Watch the 5 Best Super Bowl Commercials

Super Bowl XLVI Super Bowl XLVI is over, and with it go the premieres of a number of fine ads. Be honest: you were just watching for the commercials, right?

This year's crop of Super Bowl Ads ranged from the inspiring to the downright goofy, with some duds (mostly from Budweiser and Coca-Cola) in between.

Who won the battle of the ads? Volkswagen had two pretty solid ads in "The Close Call" and "The Dog Strikes Back" on the humorous side: seeing a fat dog try to lose a few pounds was cute, while "The Close Call" was simple, quick, and had a nice button to it. Meanwhile Chrysler provided yet another inspriring Detroit-oriented ad, this time with Clint Eastwood telling us all about "Halftime in America."

One thing is clear: this was the year of the dog, as it seemed as though every other commercial employed a cute pooch to push the product (maybe they figured they had to compete with the Puppy Bowl?). One of the crowdsourced Doritos ads also used a dog, to good comedic effect. Very "Far Side" of them.

Check out five of the best Super Bowl commercials below: