'The Walking Dead' Season 3, Episode 14: 'Prey' Recap

'The Walking Dead'  Season 3, Episode 14: 'Prey' RecapThe Walking Dead”, season 3, episode 14, “Prey”

In the woods, in the recent past, Andrea and Michonne huddle around a campfire for warmth, with their modified zombies as guard dogs.

Andrea learns that Michonne knew the two men before they were turned, and that they deserved what they got.

In Woodbury, in current times, The Governor sets up some chains and shackles in a darkened room, testing them out himself.

Outside, The Governor’s men load up a Jeep for a mission, but the Governor is nowhere to be seen. Milton and Andrea aren’t very happy with it.

Milton finds The Governor laying out a bunch of surgical tools in “his workshop”. Milton asks how that’s supposed to help Woodbury, and tells him he needs to move on. He says he will… when it’s all over. The Governor reveals he wants Michonne since she killed his zombie daughter.

Milton tells Andrea that there is no deal, and that he wants Michonne, and they have to stop it. Milton shows Andrea The Governor’s little workshop he set up. He tells her to leave and warn the people in the prison. Andrea says she needs to stay and kill The Governor.

They spy on The Governor as he continues to set up his workshop, obviously deranged. Andrea draws a gun, but Milton stops her from pulling the trigger.

Milton takes her outside and tells her that if she kills him, then someone will take his place. She needs to warn the prison rather than fight. She says she will, and that Milton has to go with her, but he refuses. She tells him if he stays, he needs to pick a side and stick with it.

Andrea heads out but is stopped my Martinez, who says the Governor wants all guns and ammo collected, and he disarms her. The Governor appears and tells her he wants her with him when he goes to meet Rick tomorrow. She smiles and nods.

On one of the walls, Tyreese and Sasha practice their shooting skills. Andrea arrives and tells them that they are needed at the Main Wall, but they say they can’t leave their post. So she tells them to get out of the way so she can leave, but they don’t. She pulls a knife and they back down, but she warns them about the Governor. She climbs down the wall and starts to run.

Sasha and Tyreese go to the Governor and Martinez and tell them about Andrea. They say they should have stopped her and that she’s in no condition to be on her own. The Governor gives them a made-up story about how they found Andrea, and he delves them for more information on why she left. They say she didn’t say anything.

Outside, Milton asks The Governor if she’s gone, and he said she is and that he’s going after her. Milton tries to convince him to let her stay gone. The Governor realizes that Milton must have told her about the deal with Michonne as well. He isn’t too happy with Milton.

Andrea continues running down the road, dodging Walkers.

At the wall, Martinez gathers his men as well as Tyreese and Sasha for a mission. They talk to Ben and Allen and try and convince them that the Woodbury people are not all they seem, but Allen doesn’t want them to jeopardize their safety staying in Woodbury.

On the road, Andrea hears a truck approaching in the distance and decides to hide in the woods. She is quickly discovered by a group of Walkers in the woods. She is swarmed, but quickly takes them down with a knife.

Martinez and his men arrive at their destination. A pit in the ground is filled with Walkers. They intend to collar them and bring them to the prison. Tyreese and Sasha protest, and Allen tells him that he can’t speak for him and Ben anymore. They get into a brawl, and Tyreese nearly throws Allen into the pit, when he has a change of heart. Martinez has one of his men take them back into town.

In a field, Andrea hears the same truck again, and she hides once again. It didn’t work, though, as the truck spots her and drives off the road, heading straight for her. She runs. It’s The Governor. She escapes into the woods, and he drives off… for now.

She stumbles out of the woods seemingly hours later, and happens upon an abandoned factory, only to spot to Governor in his truck waiting.

She runs inside the darkened building, and the Governor soon follows her in. He whistles to taunt her as she’s surprised by a Walker. She dispatches it and continues to move towards and exit. The Governor speaks to her, asking her to come back because they need her. When she doesn’t answer, he begins destroying all the windows with a shovel, coating the floor in glass.

The Governor follows the crunching sound and taunts her some more. Very psychological warfare. He gets closer and closer to her, but a distant Walker seems to draw him away. She continues to move, and he draws his gun to dispatch of the various Walkers.

She finds an exit, and opens the door, to find a stairwell filled with Walkers. The Governor corners her. She goes through the door, releasing all the Walkers upon the Governor. He’s quickly swarmed and she runs upstairs.

He runs out of ammo, and she finds another flight of stairs leading outside, where she makes her escape into the night.

Back at the zombie pit that night, a black truck pulls up and a man douses all the Walkers with gasoline, and sets them ablaze. The truck drives off.

Andrea stumbles out of the woods later that morning, finally spotting the prison. Happily she walks towards it, waving an arm to Rick who is manning the tower. Before he sees her, she is jumped by The Governor, and pinned to the ground.

Tyreese drives to the zombie pit and finds most of the Walkers dead. The few remaining are charred to a crisp, but still wiggling.

The Governor returns to Woodbury saying he didn’t find her, and Martinez tells him about the zombie pit. He requests that Tyreese, Sasha, Ben, and Allen are sent to “distro”. The Governor pays them a visit and tells them that the Biters are just for show, and that seems to win them over. Tyreese tells him that they really want to stay and he’s sorry for anything that he caused. He accepts their apology and asks where they got the gasoline. They are confused by his question.

The Governor leaves and finds Milton, who immediately asks about Andrea. He also says he feels bad about the pits and hopes the Governor finds who did it. The Governor informs him that he already has.

Cutaway to the Governor’s Workshop, and Andrea is gagged and chained to a chair.