'The Walking Dead' Season 3, Episode 11: 'I Ain't a Judas' Recap

'The Walking Dead'  Season 3, Episode 11: 'I Ain't a Judas' RecapThe Walking Dead’, season 3, episode 11, ‘I Ain’t a Judas’

Rick’s gang holes up in the prison, refusing to leave, but Merle taunts them. He says that they’re stupid to stay. He says they are damned. The Governor will win.

Hershel argues that they should leave, and Rick ignores him. Hershel loses his loving patience and calls Rick out on his lack of leadership.

Rick goes outside to survey the damage. The yard is full of Walkers. He checks the perimeter with his binoculars and spots some movement in the distance. He’s not sure if it’s Walker or one of the Governor’s men. Carl joins his dad, and they share a heart-to-heart moment; Carl tells Rick to stop being the leader and let Hershel and Daryl handle things from now on.

In Woodbury, the Governor and Milton go over their numbers to see how big of an army they can raise. 35 people. They will begin training them.

Andrea confronts the Governor about attacking the Prison. He says that they attacked him and he was just defending himself. Andrea says she doesn’t want to see Woodbury and the Prison attacking each other. She says she’s going to see them, and asks for a car. The Governor says the roads are blocked, and if she leaves, she needs to stay gone.

Outside, Andrea sees the residents arming themselves and the Governor’s lackeys recruiting kids.

In the prison, Rick rallies his guns to clear out the Walkers to hopefully escape. They don’t think they’ll be able to, and fear they’ll be trapped. Glenn expresses his hatred of Merle, and says they should use him as a bargaining chip with the Governor.

Hershel goes to talk to Merle, and tries to get him on Rick’s side. They share some stories, and Merle reveals that when the Governor returns, he’ll be killed first. And that he’ll save Rick for last, so he has to see his friends and family suffer.

In Woodbury, the Governor inspects his rather pitiful troops.

In the prison, Carol welcomes Daryl back. She also tells Daryl not to let Merle bring him down anymore. They laugh.

In Woodbury, Andrea inspects the main gate, looking for a way out. Milton approaches and says there’s no way in or out. She asks Milton if he knew anything about the attack at the Prison, and he plays ignorant. She says that he’ll have to cover for her, then, because she’s going to go back to the Prison, and the Governor can’t know. She asks for his help to get out before innocent people get killed.

In his apartment, the Governor tries to cauterize his seemingly infected eye wound, but can’t. Milton knocks on his door, and tells the Governor that Andrea is going back and wants his help. The Governor tells Milton to help her and thanks him for reporting to him.

In the woods, Andrea and Milton are evading Walkers as best they can. They wrangle one, and Andrea cuts off its arms while Milton pins it to the ground. She uses a rock to curb stomp the jaw off the Walker in attempts to build herself a Walker repellent like Michonne had. More Walkers appear before she can finish, but Tyreese and his gang arrive and clear them out just in time.

In the Prison, Merle tries to apologize to Michonne, but she doesn’t buy it.

In the woods, Andrea tells Tyreese about her Walker repellant, and Milton offers to take them to Woodbury. They graciously accept his offer. Andrea continues on her way to the Prison, but Tyreese asks if she needs help. She dismisses him. He doesn’t look so certain.

Andrea arrives at the prison and Carl spots her. He alert Maggie who pulls out a sniper rifle. She checks and realizes it’s Andrea. She tells Carl to get the others.

Andrea walks into the prison yard, making full use of her Walker repellent, and the others go out to meet her. Rick asks if she’s alone, but she just wants him to open the gate. They let her in, and Rick immediately frisks her as others hold her at gunpoint. What should be a happy reunion is ruined by Rick’s distrust.

They bring Andrea inside the prison, and she hugs Carol. She asks where Shane and Lori are. (Dead.) She apologizes for their loss, and begins to realize how much everyone has changed since she’s been gone. She asks to go into the cellblock, but Rick stops her. She tries to say she’s not the enemy, but Rick points out that “her boyfriend” attacked them and drove a truck through their fence and killed Axel. She says he told her they attacked him.

She realizes that she’s now the odd man out. She tries to reason with them, but Rick says they will kill him. She says there is room for them at Woodbury. They say he doesn’t seem to want to negotiate. She says they are preparing for a war in Woodbury. Rick’s group seems alright with that. She says that there’s a whole army and Rick’s group has lost too much already to not try and settle things. He tells her to help them get in, but she refuses, so he leaves.

Outside Andrea and Michonne catch up. She accuses Michonne of ‘poisoning’ them. Michonne points out that Andrea has a messiah complex with the Governor and she was just telling them the truth. She tells Andrea that the Governor sent Merle to kill her, and that’s why she went back to Woodbury. To get Andrea to see the truth. It obviously didn’t work. Michonne leaves and Andrea cries.

In Woodbury, the Governor greets Tyreese’s group and gives them medical care. They ask why there’s an army, and the Governor says they were attacked. He tells them to avoid travelling north when they leave, and Tyreese’s group says they just left the prison. They offer their help against the prison and Rick’s group, as long as they can earn their keep. Milton asks them if they were inside the prison, and Tyreese says they were and they can try and remember the layout for them.

In the prison, Andrea meets Judith (the baby) for the first time. She asks Carol what happened to Lori, so she tells her. And she tells her what happened to T-Dog and Shane. Carol says that Rick’s become cold, and that Andrea needs to do something about the Governor. She suggests that Andrea sleep with him, and when he’s sleeping afterwards, to kill him.

The load Andrea up with minimal supplies and give her a car. They wish her luck on her way.

Andrea arrives back at Woodbury. She is stopped at the gate. Once they realize it’s her, the bring her to the Governor.

She tells him about the prison, and the conditions. The Governor asks if Rick sent her back, and she says she came back on her own. He asks why, then tells her that she belongs in Woodbury. They embrace and start to make out.

Meanwhile, in the prison, Rick’s group sits in silence until Beth starts to sing to ease the tension. They listen on appreciatively.

Daryl, Hershel, and Rick discuss Andrea’s reunion and departure, and they have faith that she’ll do the right thing about the Governor. Rick says that he’s going out for a supply run the next morning and that he’s taking Michonne and Carl because Daryl needs to keep an eye on Merle.

Andrea wakes up from what was obviously a few hours of passionate lovemaking, and grabs a knife. She stands above the Governor and points the knife at his throat. But she wusses out.