'The Walking Dead' Season 3, Episode 10: 'Home' Recap

'The Walking Dead'  Season 3, Episode 10: 'Home' RecapThe Walking Dead’: season 3, episode 10: ‘Home’.

In the prison, Rick plays lookout, keeping an eye on Michonne. In the distance outside, he spots a woman in white standing by the graves. It’s Lori. Well, ghost/hallucination Lori. Rick tries to talk to her, but she vanishes and reappears outside of the protective fence. He runs out to talk to her, Walkers be damned. Michonne watches on in confusion.

He catches up with his hallucinated wife, and Michonne watches as he gently caresses the air.

Back in Woodbury, the Governor thanks Andrea for her speech. She asks what he’s planning to do about the prison, and he vows there will be no retaliation against them. Andrea says she wants to go see them, now that she realizes her friends are still alive. The Governor says that he’s not fit to lead Woodbury, but Andrea is, so he wants her to lead the people.

In the woods, the Dixon brothers are discussing their plans. Daryl wants to go back to the prison, but Merle says that they’re probably all dead, likely killed by the Governor.

In the prison, Rick’s group map out the prison, trying to remember where they’ve secured, but Glenn notices there are breaches. They are worried the Governor will attack at any moment. Glenn says he can just sneak back into Woodbury and kill the Governor.

Hershel tries to reason with Glenn, saying Rick wouldn’t approve. But Glenn kindly points out that Rick is losing his mind and is in no position to tell them what to do. Glenn takes the position of leader, and says they’ll stay and put up a fight. He and Carl will go and fix the breaches.

In Woodbury, the Governor talks to Milton. He tries to see if Milton is on his side, and expresses his doubt about Andrea’s loyalties. He asks Milton to keep an eye on her.

Outside, Andrea is met with distrust when she asks where the Governor went. Milton says he went on a run, for supplies probably.

In the prison, Glenn and Carl find that the “tombs” of the prison are overrun with Walkers again and they can’t secure it. Glenn says he and Maggie will scout the far side of the prison to see what’s happening.

When Glenn goes to talk to her, he finds her secluded in her room. He says they need to talk about what happened, but she is very dismissive about it, saying the Governor didn’t rape her. She asks if that makes Glenn feel better. She says she did what she did to save him, and then tells him to go away.

Outside the prison, Carol and Axel reinforce a walkway, attempting to make it bulletproof. Axel reveals that he’s scared of guns and tells Carol why he was arrested in the first place. Says he was caught with a toy gun and charged for armed robbery. He tells Carol he doesn’t know how to use a gun, so she teaches him.

In the woods, the Dixon boys argue about directions, they seem to be lost. Daryl hears a baby crying, but Merle says it’s gotta be animals getting freaky. Daryl chases the sound and finds a family on a bridge getting attacked by Walkers. He jumps into hero mode and runs to save them.

Daryl arrives just in time and takes down the majority of the Walkers, saving the family while Merle watches on, exerting minimal effort to help. The family can’t speak English, though, which causes the racist Merle to react. Merle goes into their vehicle rummages through their supplies while Daryl demands he stops. He holds him at arrow-point, and tells the family to leave now. They drive away, and Merle gets angry.

Merle yells at Daryl. He says that Rick changed him, and bets he never told Rick that they planned to rob them. They get into a scuffle, and Merle rips Daryl’s shirt, revealing all the scars left there by the Governor. He gets up and says he’s going back to the prison, where he belongs. Merle says he can’t go with, and Daryl leaves anyway. Merle has a moment of hesitation before finally joining him on the way back to the prison.

Back at the prison, Hershel confronts Glenn about his attitude. He makes sure that Glenn isn’t planning on going back to Woodbury. He says he won’t, so Hershel says he’ll go with on the scouting drive. But he says that Glenn’s rage is going to get him killed, and asks what he’s trying to prove. He drives off, leaving Hershel behind.

Hershel spots Rick wandering outside the perimeter of the prison.

Beth talks to Maggie, asking if she can help feed the baby. It seems to help, as Maggie begins to smile.

Outside the prison, wandering in the woods, Hershel calls for Rick. He asks if Rick is planning to come back soon. He says he needs Rick to be the leader again. He asks when Rick is planning to come back, but he just keeps saying he doesn’t know, in a frenzied state.

Rick finally admits to Hershel that he’s been seeing Lori. He knows she’s not real, but he assumes that it has to mean something. Hershel asks if it was Lori on the phone as well, and Rick says yes. Rick says that he’s waiting, but he doesn’t know what for. Hershel tells him to come back into the prison and get rest. Rick says he can’t and walks back into the woods.

Michonne eavesdropped on the whole conversation. The rest of the group discuss how easy it is to crack in prison. Axel begins telling Carol a story when he gets shot in the head, blood spraying all over Carol.

In the distance, the Governor lowers his gun.