'The Walking Dead' Season Two DVD Hints At Could-Have-Been Scenarios

'The Walking Dead' Season Two DVD Hints At Could-Have-Been Scenarios (WARNING: If you haven't seen the second season of AMC's "The Walking Dead," then you may want to turn away now. The following preview contains SPOILERS. Ye be warned.)

You can purchase 'The Walking Dead' season 2 DVD here.

Not every moment in the second season of AMC's beloved "The Walking Dead" played out as initially drawn up. Judging from some cast and producer perspectives offered on the season's DVD/Blu-ray set hitting store shelves Tuesday, that's not for the worse, "Access Hollywood" reports.

Creator of the comic source material of the same name and executive producer of the zombie drama Robert Kirkman explains in one featurette why even he doesn't hold his original creations up as gospel truth in steering the series.

"I really like screwing with the comic book readers, to a certain extent," Kirkman said in the featurette "The Ink Is Alive." Kirkman then lays out that he let Shane live longer in the television adaptation than the books because it was crucial to setting up Dale's (Jeffrey DeMunn) endgame. He goes on later in "You Could Make A Killing" to admit that he didn't relish the character's elimination from the series at all.

"The idea of essentially firing someone when you kill a character is very bizarre for me and it's definitely an uncomfortable situation that I'm not quite used to," Kirkman admitted.

Several scenes' pivotal deletions could've likewise altered the course of the season. The original season-opening sequence involved Carl embracing Shane after Shane's leap into the RV to escape attacking Walkers. Executive producer and showrunner Glen Mazzara notes in his commentary on the scene that the eventually used opening of Rick radioing Morgan from a rooftop of zombies foraged in the streets below left new viewers more comfortable than dropping them unaware into continuation of an established relationship from the get-go. He added that scenes after that "didn't seem desperate enough" when conveying the group snacking and offing zombies.

Later, optional audio commentary by Mazzara on another scene explains how a sequence in which Carol (Melissa McBride) lays into Darryl for beating Randall (Michael Zegen) would've turned Darryl's supporters against her.

Don't forget, Season Three of "The Walking Dead" premieres on AMC Oct. 14 at 9/8 p.m. CT.