Are 'Walking Dead' Ratings on the Rise?

Are 'Walking Dead' Ratings on the Rise?

Last weekend's mid-season premiere of The Walking Dead posted higher ratings than the first-half finale, marking the first time this season that the series has seen a ratings increase from one episode to the next. Does that mean that the series' ratings slide is over? According to the numbers for the latest episode, the answer to that question seems to be "maybe."

This week's episode, the second of the season's second half, drew 11 million total viewers. That's down by about a million from the previous week's episode and is in line with the ratings for the season's third episode. On the bright side, however, it's the season's fourth-highest-rated episode so far.

Overall, the ratings for this week seem to confirm that the series has stabilized with ratings right around the level it posted in its third season. One might speculate that the broad audience that came to the series in the fourth and fifth seasons has jumped ship, leaving behind the solid fan base that discovered the series in 2013.

In any case, TWD still draws a big audience, and any fears that it was going to fall into the relative obscurity of seasons one or two may be laid to rest. At least for now.