'The Voice' Season 2, Episode 6 Recap - 'The Battles Begin'

'The Voice' Season 2, Episode 6 Recap - 'The Battles Begin' Guest mentors! Really high notes! Spoon-fed sound bites! It's the battle round!

Adam's first pairing is Tony Lucca vs Chris Cauley, and there's a lot of bro love going on. Chris, if you'll remember, was the guy with the singing grandma, and Tony was the guy who was in Mickey Mouse Club with Christina. They're given a U2 song, sadly.

Alanis Morrissette comes in to mentor the two, starting with Tony. She and Adam note that there's some strain with Tony, especially with the high notes. Chris gets the short straw and gets mentored by Robin Thicke. Winner: Tony! Oh, they haven't battled yet?

Anyway, Chris gets some notes on being a good performer as well as a good singer. Sounds like his voice is plenty strong, then, and he just needs to use better body language. When the two of them actually start singing, both their body languages are pretty embarrassing. Tony seems to be controlling the crowd better, despite straining on the high notes and despite the fact that Chris is pretty clearly out-singing him.

Blake agrees, noting that Chris was more consistent with pitch. Christina backs Tony of course, and Cee Lo agrees because he wants "the total package." Adam agonizes over his choice, but eventually goes with Tony. Not too much of a surprise there as Tony already has a pretty decent fan base. Chris says he's a fan of Adam as a man, and the bro love continues.

Winner: Tony Lucca

Blake's team is up next, and he pairs Adley Stump vs. Raelynn, assigning the two country girls "Free Fallin" by Tom Petty. Adley is the college kid who has only been singing for about a year, while Raelynn is more of a soft-singing country girl. When Raelynn sees Miranda, she actually squeals. Adley is also excited to see her mentor, Kelly Clarkson. The two pairs seem to have been made for each other.

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The girls start their battle, and Raelynn seems a little shaky. Nerves, maybe? Or maybe all her little vocal quirks are coming across as nerves. Adley does a nice job of coming in quiet and dialing it back a bit before belting it. Christina sides with Adley, and Adley's family gives an emphatic "WOO!" Cee Lo takes Adley as well, but Adam liked Raelynn's uniqueness. Blake surprisingly chooses Raelynn, choosing subtlety over the belt-ability.

Winner: Raelynn

Time for Team Christina, where Chris Mann will go up against Monique Benabou. This was definitely a pairing for the story, as Chris is a classically trained opera singer and Monique has no training. In fact, she doesn't even know how to read music. Monique doesn't seem to have a ton of confidence either, as Chris starts singing in rehearsal and gets a "whew" out of Monique.

Lionel Richie is here to help Chris out, and there isn't much they have to say about Chris that's negative. Monique gets Jewel, and Sprint has provided the tablets to watch how pitchy Monique got during her audition. Buy Sprint! Monique is already crying in rehearsal, and Chris is starting to get worried about his chances. Or, he's pretending to worry at least.

Oh, by the way, these two are singing "The Power of Love" by Celine Dion, complete with a Dion-esque overdramatic presentation. Chris does a lot of power lunges. With the judgements, there's a lot of love for Monique, despite her stretching for the high notes. Monique always looks like she's about to cry, and Chris always looks like he's contemplating murder. Eventually, Christina chooses Chris, which is probably the right choice between the two... but Chris just might not fit so well into this competition.

Winner: Chris Mann

Cheesa and Angie Johnson are up for Team Cee Lo, and are given "Total Eclipse of the Heart," because this is Team Cee Lo and everything is ridiculous. In rehearsal, Angie and Cheesa are at odds in rehearsal, as Angie thinks Cheesa is showing off and Cheesa thinks Angie is trying to push her too high by asking to raise the key.

Cheesa is mentored by Babyface, who wants Cheesa to hit the high notes, which are now higher, hard. Angie meets with Ne-Yo, and the two of them are fed some lines about Angie being in the military. "You have to stay of the trigger until you're ready to shoot," says Angie in complete seriousness.

Okay, admittedly it's a pretty good song choice for the two of them, as they both have belting voice. Cheesa started out a little stronger, but Angie caught up in the middle. The judges seem to side with Angie pretty unanimously, but Cee Lo goes with Cheesa instead. Interesting. Cheesa does have the attitude that seems to mesh with Cee Lo.

Winner: Cheesa

Team Blake is up next, and it'll be Jordis Unga and Brian Fuente, and Brian is struggling with Alanis' "Ironic," considering it's a "song for a girl." But Jordis isn't doing so well with it either. Funny enough, neither of them get mentoring from Alanis on this one.

In the ring, I do believe Carson introduces Brian as a "national graphic artist and frontman." What? Also odd is hearing these two do all their poppy crap with this song, which I have always enjoyed for its simplicity. But hey, if you don't do a bunch of crazy runs, then nobody will pay attention to you, right?

Christina notes it was pitchy and shaky throughout (correct), and sides with Jordis. Cee Lo goes with Brian, who by the way looks like a poor man's Bradley Cooper. Adam says some crap about tough choices and goes with Jordis. Blake talks about how much of a disaster the song was (oops) and eventually takes Jordis. I think he said the performance "sucked." Jordis goes with "train wreck."

Winner: Jordis

Last up are Anthony Evans and Jesse Campbell from Team Christina, who assigns them with an Alicia Keys song. Okay. The idea here seems to be weeding out the field so that only one churchy R&B singer can survive. Jesse is definitely treating is all a little Highlander-ish, and Anthony calls him out on intimidation tactics.

Lionel wants Jesse to dial it back a little and take his time. I guarantee you he won't listen to that. Jewel tells Anthony that all of his trills and runs should come from an emotional place, and Christina disagrees. Fight!

The battle itself is pretty much even... Jesse is clearer and stronger, but Anthony has the more interesting tone. Anthony also has the advantage as far as collars go. It eventually turns into an almost silly battle of runs, a showboating showdown. The judges are pretty much split, but Christina goes with Jesse. Kind of a shame to see Anthony go, especially since he looked TERRIFIED right before the decision.

Winner: Anthony

That settles the first part of the battle round, tune in next week for more.