'The Voice' Season 2, Episode 3 Recap - 'Blind Auditions, Part 3'

'The Voice' Season 2, Episode 3 Recap - 'Blind Auditions, Part 3' A little recap of the action thus far reminds us of the talent the judges have picked up in the last two days.

Hey, it's "play along" time! Our mystery contestant talks about how she gets judged by her looks all the time, and is told that she "isn't marketable" by record companies. She comes out and does an acoustic-rock version of "You and I," and her voice is definitely strong. Cee Lo is the first to turn, and we finally see Sarah Golden, a woman with a short haircut and maybe not the best skin, but definitely not the monster she was making herself out to be.

Blake turns too before the end of the song, so he and Cee Lo state their cases to Sarah. She doesn't consider herself to be a country singer, but Christina notes that she has a "twang" to her voice, and Blake thinks she'd fit well on his team. "I want you both," she says, and Cee Lo responds with "Oh, you can't have us both, baby," without missing a beat. That may have won her over, and she goes with Cee Lo.

Ellie Duhe, 19, looks like a country girl from the get-go with her bleached blonde hair. She quit school her senior year to pursue music, so let's hope she's good (and that her slight lisp doesn't bleed into her singing).

She launches into "Mercy," a song that I sorta hoped I would never have to hear again ever. She has a Duffy-esque tone, and some some quirky stuff stylistically, but that may have been what turned the judges off. Nobody turns, but Adam says that her last note was "killer" and then wishes for a time travel device.

Ellie is very gracious about the whole thing, and Christina gives her a hug, which I'm afraid will cause some kind of bleached hair supernova. Thankfully, it doesn't, and we're all still alive.

Pip is next. Pip just has one name. Pip complains that people don't take him seriously because he looks young. I would argue it's your bowtie and your silly name, Pip.

But none of that really matters, because Pip starts off with "House of the Rising Sun" and pretty much kills it from the beginning. It's a little pitchy and weak at points, probably due to nerves, but you can tell the kid's got talent. Adam turns first, followed by Blake and then Christina and Cee Lo.

The battle begins, and Blake think's Pip's name is cool. Adam thinks his bowtie is cool. Christina plays the mother card in saying how she knows how to commit time and attention to him. Blake sneaks in his snarky comments along the way, and notes that he doesn't have any guys on his team yet. Cee Lo is surprisingly quiet. Christina yells "I'M A FIGHTER, AND I'MA FIGHT FOR YO ASS." Ultimately, though, Pip goes with Adam, because "he was the first one."

Erin Willet's father has pancreatic cancer, which I think marks the second contestant we've seen thus far who has a parent dying of cancer. Downer. She comes out and crushes "I Want You Back," though even with her strong voice there are a few technical issues. Blake is the only one to turn, so this one is done and decided quickly.

David Grace was a football player for some small campus of Texas A&M, so his bragging about winning conference championships isn't quite as impressive as it sounds. His voice is impressive, but you can't tell because he chose to sing "Sweet Home Alabama," which has about three notes in it. Blake thinks about it, but ultimately nobody turns.

Katrina Parker is up next, and Carson tells his OnStar all about how he's going to surprise her with an invitation at her office job. "Could you file this under personal, please?" says Carson as he enters. Everyone applauds awkwardly.

Katrina decides to sing "One of Us," as in that song about God being a stranger on the bus. Not sure about that choice, but her voice is nice, with a bit of color to it in the vein of Amy Winehouse. Nowhere near Amy's level of course, but slightly reminiscent. Adam is the only one to turn, so that's decided quickly as well.

Geoff McBride is the next one up, and he wear sunglasses all the time because his retina was scratched during a kickboxing fight back when he was younger. "This is not just a cool factor," says Geoff, but they're nice shades so it's still kind of a cool factor. You're not fooling anyone, Geoff.

Geoff has a powerful, soulful voice, and Christina turns quickly. Cee Lo and Adam bicker back and forth a bit over which one of them should turn. Eventually Cee Lo goes for it, and he and Adam do a mid-turn high five.

Cee Lo immediately goes into the whole "brotha" thing, knowing he has some competition for Geoff in Christina. She says "I might not look like Cee Lo, but I have soul too." Is she talking about his skin color or his weight? Or BOTH?

That must have done the trick, because Geoff goes with Christina. Cee Lo is shocked that his "brotha" strategy didn't work. Geoff and his entire family are in tears. It's kinda sweet.

Erin Martin is a former model, tall and gorgeous with very hip hair and jewelry. She says she has only been singing for the past two or three years. If Cee Lo doesn't turn, he's going to be very, very upset. Very upset.

She does "Hey There Delilah," and has a very interesting cutesy tone that's like Regina Spektor's quirkiest moments times a million. It starts out interesting to listen to, but it quickly becomes clear that she can only do that one quirky thing, and there's no range to it. Cee Lo and Blake turn early on, but Adam is very unimpressed.

Eventually Erin goes with Cee Lo, but don't be surprised to see her go home in the battle round.

James Massone is from Boston and works in his family's auto shop, but dreams of singing instead. The camera crew undoubtedly told his dad to say "park that car in the yard" because of his dialect. Apparently four of his friends were shot and killed. Damn.

James is definitely a little shaky, but he has an interesting tone and it's very clear. Blake and Christina turn first, followed by Cee Lo. James breaks into tears when he finishes. The judges are shocked that he's white. After a lot of quiet deliberation, James ends up choosing Cee Lo. He bursts through the backstage door yelling "HOW DO YOU LIKE THEM APPLES?!" I'm convinced these people aren't really from Boston, and they're just doing exaggerated characters.

Winter Ray is a waitress at Lucky Strike in downtown LA, which is lucky for her because she has lots of tattoos and a blue Flock of Seagulls haircut, and there just aren't too many places that will employ you looking like that. She claims that she's a soul/R&B fan and not a rocker, despite her appearance.

I was just starting to like her, then it turns out she's friends with Perez Hilton, who is in the watching room with her family, and she loses some respect points.

She sings "Take a Bow," and does a fine job with it, but doesn't give the coaches a "wow" moment to get them to turn. Nobody turns, but Winter maintains "I'm never gonna give up." Perez is supportive.

Chris Cauley talks about singing with his grandma, and shows Carson a video of her on his Sprint tablet. BUY SPRINT. Then he goes out and does a kinda slow, boring version of "Grenade." It's not the greatest arrangement, but his voice is good.

Cee Lo and Adam both end up turning, but Adam waits quite a while on it. They state their cases, but not particularly enthusiastically. Eventually, Chris goes with Adam, and that makes sense.

Nathan Parrett also joins Adam's team, and Brian Fuente joins up with Blake. Then Christina goes with the first rapper in the competition, Moses Stone.

Jordis Unga's dad is from Tonga, and her mom is Swedish. Probably because of her dad's outfit, they go with some ukelele music in the background.

Jordis sings "Maybe I'm Amazed" and Blake turns first, very early on. Then she starts wailing on the chorus with tons of rasp and attitude, and Christina and Cee Lo turn, much to Blake's chagrin. Adam doesn't turn for some reason. They all state their case with increasing forcefulness, with the exception of Cee Lo who just goes with "I picked you."

That doesn't work, because Jordis ends up choosing Blake. He did, after all, press his button first.

That wraps it up for now, but the blind auditions will continue next Monday. Tune in then to see who else makes it!