'The Voice' Season 2, Episode 2 Recap - 'Auditions #2'

'The Voice' Season 2, Episode 2 Recap - 'Auditions #2' We're back with the continuation of the blind auditions, and in case you were concerned that they would tone things down today now that the Super Bowl is over, worry not: Christina's cleavage is still ridiculous, Cee Lo is wearing a fully sequined suit, and the coaches are all singing a Prince medley. Blake looks uncomfortable.

The Line is a duo made up of Hailey and Leland, who are not a couple though they met when Leland was hitting on Hailey and they say "I love you" before taking the stage.

They start up with "American Girl" and Blake turns before he even hears Hailey join in. Later, when they drop out the guitars and get the crowd into it, the other three turn as well. Sometimes the crowd has an indirect vote in this.

All four plead their cases, and Cee Lo jumps right into asking if they're a couple. Christina notes that Blake had a duo last year and set them home, to which Blake protests. Ultimately, after a lot of conferring, they go with Christina, who turns to Blake and says "HA HA HAAAA!" Blake was shocked. "I think they were fooled by flash and boobs," he says.

Jamar Rodgers was delivered his invitation over in New York, so you know he must be something special. He also has quite a story: he was addicted to meth and contracted HIV because of it, but turned things around and now works for a charitable organization.

He does his own version of "Seven Nation Army," and sounds a heck of a lot like Cee Lo... a little bit of grit, a lot of soul, but he sings a little deeper. Cee Lo is the only one who turns, and it's a good thing he does, because Jamar starts gushing about how big a fan he is, and not just from Gnarls Barkley. Heck, with the coat with tails he's wearing, the guy even kinda dresses like Cee Lo.

Neal Middleton, who is presumably of no relation to Kate, is dressed like a cowboy version of Slash. Apparently he fell off of a 35-foot building and landed on the pavement and survived. I wonder if his top hat cushioned the fall.

He does sort of a rockabilly version of "Heard It Through the Grape Vine, he growls and wails, but doesn't really have that one impressive moment to turn the chairs, so no one does. Christina and Blake give him the same note: the performance was pretty much at a 10 the whole time, and didn't have much variety to it.

Gwen Sebastian is 37 years old, and the producers try to make a big deal out of Gwen's big "choice," which is between music and having kids. Compared to the guy who was addicted to meth and is HIV positive, that seems like much less of a big deal. Can't she and her boyfriend just adopt later?

She has a very clear country tone, which turns Blake pretty quickly. Cee Lo turns as well, much to Blake's disappointment, and when Adam joins in, Blake is downright furious.

Blake plays the country card as predicted, Adam tries to play the "fresh perspective" card, and Cee Lo just tries to smooth talk Gwen, saying he turned to make sure she knew she was "appreciated." Eventually, Gwen says "my heart is country" and goes with Blake, who giggles evilly at the other mentors.

Pamela Rose is tall and gorgeous, but that won't help her here. Her mother says she has a "beautiful soul" as well. She talks about her mother and sister tearfully in her interview.

She sings "Already Gone," but is a little fuzzy on the first verse. She gets stronger and clearer in the chorus, but she's a little pitchy here and there and seems to be pushing it vocally. Nobody turns.

Cee Lo is very disappointed. So is Pamela's sister, who gives them all a thumbs down.

Kim Yarbrough, who was introduced before Pamela for some reason (change of pace?), has some levels to her performance, hitting the low notes and wailing on the high ones in "Tell Me Something Good." Adam turns first, and Christina follows. Interesting that Cee Lo doesn't, considering the funk in the performance.

Blake weighs in on the battle by noting that Adam won last year, and Christina didn't. Clearly Christina's gloating has made some enemies. That, or the producers have decided that she's the villain.

Eventually Kim goes with Adam, which is kind of a surprise considering Christina's diva-ness. But Christina didn't pitch her too hard, while Adam really turned on the charm.

Angie Johnson is a staff sargeant in the Air Force, and went from flying to joining the Air Force band. Apparently Angie went viral on YouTube for a performance of "Rolling in the Deep" with the band, and apparently Carson saw it and marveled at the "hot chick" singing and defending our country.

Angie sings "Heartbreaker" and rocks it pretty hard. Cee Lo turns his chair before the chorus even hits. The other judges think about it, but don't end up joining in. Cee Lo does a classic oversized glasses bit, and seems pretty happy with his choice.

Dez Duron plays football for Yale, and apparently set a single-season passing TD record in Louisiana in high school. Apparently his dad was also a football player and quit, but then won a Grammy later (for "We Came to Worship").

Dez goes with "I Want It That Way," oddly enough. He does a pretty good job with it, nice control and the pitch is right on. Everyone is egging Adam and Christina to push their buttons, but they don't go for it.

They're all pretty pissed when they turn and see how good-looking Dez is, especially Christina, who keeps pressing her button in regret. "I'm so angry right now," she says, "how cute are you?"

Lindsey Pavao looks kinda like if you mixed Katy Perry with Kristen Stewart, with a dash of Lizzy Caplan. But what does she sound like? The sound is very unique, a soft but ringing style as she does a melodic version of "Say Aah" by Trey Songz.

Christina turns first, followed by Cee Lo and Blake. Adam doesn't go for it, and I'm not sure why not... Lindsey is a little reminiscient of Dia Frampton, and though she didn't win last year, her creativity and uniqueness won her more fans than Javier.

Blake is very flattering to her. Christina says "I want to play with you," which gets a comment from Blake. Cee Lo notes how he liked the unique song choice. Interestingly, Lindsey goes with Christina, though she might have been a better fit with Cee Lo or Blake.

Hoja Lopez aims to show teenagers that being a good person is more important than appearances. She has kind of an interesting dry personality, which is fun amid all the perky contestants. Sadly, her rendition of "Teenage Dream" is a little pitchy, and nobody turns. Adam notes that it might have been nerves.

Jermaine Paul got a gig as a background vocalist for Alicia Keys, so Carson pulls up a video from Alicia Keys, which he plays for Jermaine on his SPRINT PHONE! BUY SPRINT!

For some reason, Jermaine goes with "Complicated" for his audition. Yes, as in the Avril Lavigne song. He does give it his own spin, but you have to think that with the passion and control that Jermaine's voice has, there would be better choices.

Cee Lo turns first, and despite Jermaine's clear pop/R&B stylings, Blake turns as well. Cee Lo says "with my back turned, I could hear the swag." Jermaine aims to get "need" or "keep" out of Cee Lo and Blake, and really has a lot of charisma up there, joining in the banter with the judges. Christina is once again heartbroken that she didn't press her button.

Eventually, Jermaine goes with Blake, which should be really interesting. It'll be fun to see what Blake does with someone so different from his own style. It'll also be really awkward when and if Blake eliminates Jermaine.

Angel Taylor has been saved for last, so you can expect her to be impressive. She does have a history of touring with some impressive artists. She also has a backstory with an abusive father... that stuff doesn't get played up in this show as much as it does on "Idol" or "X Factor," but it could help with voting.

She does a version of "Someone Like You" by Adele, and gets a turn from Adam pretty quickly. Blake follows, and Cee Lo joins in before the song ends. Christina has been picky tonight.

Adam states his case first, and does a pretty good job of it. Cee Lo notes that the low register is tough, and of course compliments Angel's looks. Angel admits that she has a big crush on Blake, which could affect her decision... but she ends up going with Adam instead. Blake is heartbroken.

That concludes the second night, next week will bring more blind auditions, so be sure to come back and find out who makes it through.