Yidio Video of the Day: Watch the Ultimate Spoiler Movie Trailer Ever

This one's good for a quick laugh: Collegehumor has a mash-up of remixed trailers that asks the question, "What if movie trailers ruined endings?"

I probably would have been pretty upset if I before I had seen "The Empire Strikes Back," somebody had showed me a trailer that tells me that Vader is Luke's father. Even worse, what if someone gave away the ending to "Fight Club?"

A word of warning: though this is a comedy video, it will still spoil the endings to the following movies: "The Empire Strikes Back," "Fight Club," "The Usual Suspects," "Reservoir Dogs," and "The Crying Game." So if you haven't seen any of those movies and you plan to in the future, then SPOILER ALERT!

In fact, double spoiler alert. Triple, even. The biggest spoiler alert you can imagine.

While we're on the subject, if anyone has any good stories about movies being spoiled for them, share them in the comments! I, for one, went with a friend to see "The Sixth Sense" and she figured out the ending in the first ten minutes or so, and announced it out loud to the theater. I didn't see many movies with her after that.