VIDEO: A Lady Gaga Birthday Surprise

VIDEO: A Lady Gaga Birthday Surprise Last week a fan shared an early birthday surprise with Lady Gaga, who turns 25 today.

Christopher Roa spent a week creating a studded red vest for Gaga out of a vintage leather jacket. His handiwork included hand-painted designs from Gaga’s “Born This Way" video. At the concert he threw the piece on stage, to which the singer responded: "What is this?"

As the video shows, she then picks it up and rocks it throughout the show.

The Modesto Bee reports that Roa, who is also 25 and an artist who works at a MAC store, said he waited for hours outside to get close enough to fling the garment to the stage.

I came across his video on YouTube, while wondering how Lady Gaga’s monsters express themselves for her birthday. Of the several "Happy Birthday" montages, this story is infused with passion and fashion, and is by far a personal favorite.

The vibrant jacket and dance-a-thon that follows brings a favorite ballet story to mind, "The Red Slippers" in which a dancer puts on red shoes and can't stop dancing.

Looks like the red jacket does the same trick - at least for a number or two.

Check out this mega-monster and see how Gaga totally works the re-invented vintage: