VIDEO: Did The Fray Give the Worst National Anthem Performance Ever?

VIDEO: Did The Fray Give the Worst National Anthem Performance Ever? Pop rock band The Fray might be best known as the hitmakers behing "Over My Head" and "Grey's Anatomy" anthem "How to Save a Life." But from here on in, they might be known as the singers of the worst performance of the National Anthem in sports history.

The Fray took the court before the start of the championship game of the NCAA Men's Basketball tournament and, despite the grandeur and hype surrounding the event, decided that an acoustic guitar and a tambourine would be the best idea for the occasion.

What followed was a performance that was off-rhythm and off-key between the singer and the guitar, and the lack of any enthusiasm from the percussion didn't really help much. It was all very hip, sure, but was it the best choice for the occasion? Not so much.

The performance was a big topic of conversation on Twitter immediately following, with most comments giving a negative review. That includes this tweet, which I particularly enjoyed:

Okay, so maybe this performance wasn't quite at Roseanne Barr levels, and people similarly lashed out at Steven Tyler after his performance a while back, but it was still pretty bad.

Check out The Fray performing the National Anthem below, and let us know what you think. And if you need a palate cleanser, you can always listen to Zooey Deschanel sing it at last year's World Series.