The 'Veronica Mars' Movie... Now Taking Donations

The 'Veronica Mars' Movie... Now Taking Donations Fans of “Veronica Mars” may finally see the sassy detective make it to the big screen… if they love her enough to dig into their pockets.

Kristen Bell, the show’s star, and creator Rob Thomas have had enough of waiting and hoping for the adaptation to hit Hollywood. They’re taking matters into their own hands and counting on fans to help fund the venture.

The two have launched a Kickstarter campaign in an effort to raise the money they need to get the ball rolling. The goal is a simple $2 million in 30 days. If they accomplish this, Warner Bros. Digital Distribution will put the movie into production, and cover marketing, promotion, and distribution.

But only if they meet their goal. Otherwise, all is lost.

Thomas and Bell don’t seem to think this will be an issue.

“I’m afraid to say it out loud,” Thomas said of the amount he thinks the pair will end up with. Bell, however, jokes an optimistic $100 million.

At this rate she might not be far off. With 30 days left of the newly opened Kickstart, the project has already raked in over $800,000. With donations closing April 12th, there is still plenty of time left to hit the $2 million mark.

Fans have certainly not been shy about pledging, though generous incentives do exist. The highest donation incentive, $10,000 for a small speaking role in the film, has already been filled, so maybe you can aim for half that and settle for a private screening in your home town. Don’t worry if you’re not rolling in that kind of dough… donations can be submitted at one dollar and above.

“I am currently the happiest blonde in a hamster ball the world has ever seen,” Bell says in a message on the site. “We have been waiting so long to make this movie dream a movie reality, and it’s because of YOUR commitment, YOUR persistence, that we finally have a chance. We just have one more step to go.”

Thomas explains, “Warner Bros. wasn’t convinced there was enough interest to warrant a major studio-sized movie about Veronica and the project never got off the ground.” However this bustle of interest seems to prove otherwise.

If the goal is reached, the film will be released in early 2014 for a limited theatrical run, and then move to VOD, iTunes, and “other digital platforms.”

Want to see “Veronica Mars” make it? Click here to donate.