Vampire Russell Opens Up About The 'True Blood' Finale

Vampire Russell Opens Up About The 'True Blood' Finale Denis O’Hare, who plays (well, played, considering the recent season finale) the vampire Russell Edgington on HBO’s “True Blood,” opened up recently about his character and the show’s wrap up to The Vulture.

Caution: If you haven’t caught the finale, brace yourself for some spoilers.

Highlights of the interview include Hare’s discussion of how the incredibly powerful, 3,000-year old Russell could have been blindsided by Eric’s simple staking, which is something I think a lot of us were left wondering about two minutes into the finale.

“… The plausible answer is that he was drunk on fairy blood lust, and he isn’t watching his back, and Eric takes advantage before he can respond,” Hare explains.

Regarding the strange change in Bill (like, the one that has turned him into a dangerous and psychotic male Lilith) Hare says,

“We’re in uncharted territory. Bill was always the moral center, and to unmoor him like this? How will he find his way back to ‘humanity?’ Would he have to die for Sookie?”

So who was the elusive Russell? HBO never delves into his background, but apparently, Hare had his own, personal story for his character.

“Russell’s real name was Korun, which is ancient Celtic… And I know who his maker is, but whoever it was, he killed him…My theory was Russell was a slave for most of his life, and after he was made a vampire, he killed all the slave masters and in that same hateful rage, he killed his maker.”

And of the unfortunate demise of his character, Hare tells us, “One of the cast members was lobbying to keep Russell around, and he went and talked to Alan and the head writers, but sadly they shook their heads, and they said, ‘For credibility’s sake, he has to go. We can’t let him survive again’…There was no way for Russell to survive. And you would get tired of him if he did.”

Really? Honestly, didn’t credibility kind of fly out the window on fairy wings this season?

Will Russell be missed by HBO’s audience? It will be hard to see how Steve Newlin goes on without his powerful ally and dancing partner, but judging from the interview, “True Blood” has said its true goodbye to Russell Edgington.