'The Vampire Diaries': Watch the Kiss Seen 'Round the World'

'The Vampire Diaries': Watch the Kiss Seen 'Round the World' Last night, The CW provided the return of "The Vampire Diaries" after the midseason hiatus with episode 10 of season three, "New Deal." For waiting so patiently, TVD provided fans with a moment that they may not have been expecting, since they've been waiting for it for so long.

If you haven't seen the episode yet, be careful: there are SPOILERS ahead!

The episode was one full of big moments and revelations, including a spat between Damon and Stefan. But it was the revelation to Elena that Stefan let Klaus live to protect them that lead to the biggest moment: the kiss.

Yes, Damon (Ian Somerhalder) and Elena (Nina Dobrev) finally locked lips, and though it has happened before, this was the first time that it happened of their own free will (and at a moment where nobody was near death or anything). The writers and director made as big a deal of it as possible, complete with a dramatic line, swelling music, and a dramatic turn from Damon.

So how about it, TVD fans? Was it everything you'd hoped for? Let us know what you think about the Kiss Seen 'Round the World in the comments!

Watch the Damon and Elena kiss from "The Vampire Diaries" episode 3x10, "New Deal," below: