Two Wrongs: Sharon Osborne Grills Larry King on Sex (Watch the VIDEO)

Two Wrongs: Sharon Osborne Grills Larry King on Sex (Watch the VIDEO) Warning: unpleasant imagery approaching.

Larry King stopped by “The Talk” to chitchat with the ladies over bagels and a side of sexual inquiry.

While breaking bread, Sharon Osborne bit the bat on the head – so to speak – and took direct aim.

"Your wives have been historically beautiful, young," she said. "Have you ever had sex with a woman my age?" the 58-year-old asked.

With a shrug and extra spreading of cream cheese, King told Osborne she was a “youngster.”

"Did you like it?" she probed.

Indeed, he did, adding one perk that he liked best.

"It was the first time two people were in bed together, both with varicose veins," he replied.

Watch the full bit, confused-King moment included, here: