'The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn, Part One': Watch Two New TV Spots

We know, we know, for the serious Twi-hards out there, November 18th is going to be almost some sort of a national holiday.

It's close enough to Thanksgiving, and with all the in-theater runs of the first three "Twilight" films leading up to it, maybe we could bunch it all together into one big festival of blood, fangs, glittery love and turkey. With stuffing. And mashed potatoes and gravy. And that green bean casserole your Mom makes too.

Okay, maybe not, but the release of "Breaking Dawn" will be upon us soon enough, and almost as proof of the upcoming arrival of the blessed union of Edward and Bella, two new TV spots - "Event" and "Forever" have been released by Summit Entertainment.

They're not entirely different from the full official trailer, and from earlier promos we've shared, but you can there ever really be too much hype for a true Twi-hard?

Watch the new TV spots from "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn, Part One" here: