Trump Triggers Impeachment Talk By Interrupting 'Bachelor in Paradise'

Trump Triggers Impeachment Talk By Interrupting 'Bachelor in Paradise'

President Trump triggered plenty of irate fan reactions when he interrupted Bachelor in Paradise to give a speech.

Via Us Weekly

Oh no he didn’t! Many Bachelor Nation fans were eagerly awaiting Bachelor in Paradise’s first rose ceremony of season 4 when partway into the East Coast broadcast on Monday, August 21, viewers got an eyeful of Donald Trump instead. That’s because ABC cut away from its popular summer reality show to air the president’s speech about the U.S.’s new strategy in Afghanistan.

Needless to say, BiP fans were less than pleased. And like the commander in chief is wont to do, they tweeted their displeasure over the interruption of the highly anticipated handing out of roses, with some even calling for his impeachment for what they considered an ill-timed speech. (Viewers had waited three episodes, after all!)

“We finally get a rose ceremony and TRUMP INTERRUPTS?” one viewer tweeted angrily. “If this isn’t cause for impeachment idk what is.”

“I signed up for mindless joy watching #BachelorinParadise tonight. Not this f—ky,” another fan ranted. “Go away trump. #BIP #Impeach”

But to be fair, Bachelor Nation host Chris Harrison did give fans a heads up earlier in the day when he tweeted: “Sadly The President’s speech will eclipse #BachelorInParadise tonight. But ABC will be showing it later for those that get Trump’d.”

Check out the full story at Us Weekly.

Did the interruption make you as mad as it made many BiP fans? Let us know in the comments below.