Trump Distributes Blacklist of Political Enemies for TV Producers

Trump Distributes Blacklist of Political Enemies for TV Producers

Donald Trump's election campaign has distributed a list of the president's political enemies to TV news producers, discouraging the producers from putting his critics on the air. Read on for details.

Via Deadline.

President Donald Trump’s re-election campaign has sent a letter to TV news producers presenting its blacklist of Democratic politicians, and intelligence experts, who have spoken critically of POTUS on-air.

In the memo, with the subject line “Credibility of Certain Guests,” Team Trump recommended that, going forward, TV producers not do business with “Democrat leaders and others lying to the American people by vigorously and repeatedly claiming there was evidence of collusion” in on-air appearances.

The memo was sent the day after Attorney General Bill Barr issued his four-page letter to Congress declaring Special Counsel Robert Mueller did not find Trump had hit the legal threshold for collusion. The letter also included Barr’s own decision to interpret Mueller’s report as having insufficient evidence to charge Trump with obstruction, while acknowledging the report did not exonerate Trump on that score.

Named to the blacklist are House Intel Chairman Adam Schiff, Congressman Eric Swalwell,  former CIA Director John Brennan, Sen. Richard Blumenthal, Rep Jerry Nadler and DNC chair Tom Perez, though Team Trump said it was not a complete list.

Get the rest of the story at Deadline.

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