'True Detective' Season Two Might Star Jessica Chastain

'True Detective' Season Two Might Star Jessica Chastain Here's a #TrueDetectiveSeason2 that might actually come true.

Jessica Chastain has reportedly been offered the lead role in "True Detective" season two, according to Nerdist. The report is unconfirmed, and as of yet Chastain's reps haven't responded for comment.

If true, this would confirm rumors that series creator Nic Pizzolatto has been considering a female-driven cast in the show's second season. This could, in part, be a response to criticisms that the first season of the show was on the misogynistic side; there were few female characters, and those that did exist were mostly strippers or mistresses.

The role would be yet another tick on the win column for Chastain, who has been on a major roll of late. Since starring in Oscar contenders "The Help" and "Zero Dark Thirty" (and earning Oscar nominations for both), Chastain has landed leading roles in "The Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby" and "Interstellar." Additionally, Chastain has been rumored to star in the next installment in the "Mission: Impossible" franchise.

That leaves just one question: Who would you pair up with Chastain for #TrueDetectiveSeason2?