'True Blood' Season Four: 'Trippy' Rumors & Spoilers

'True Blood' Season Four: 'Trippy' Rumors & Spoilers I'll give the obligatory SPOILER ALERT, that if you aren't caught up with True Blood you should be careful about reading on.

Okay, are all the slackers who haven't been watching gone? Good.

Both Sam Trammell and Rutina Wesley have been dropping some hints about what we can expect to see in the upcoming season of "True Blood, due this summer. Apparently, according to Trammell, it's going to blow your mind a little: "We explore the shape-shifting community," said Trammell, "I do some trippy stuff."

Wesley, meanwhile, has some info about Tara.

"You're going to find out where Tara goes, and there's going to be some happiness for her," said Wesley. She added, "It won't last for long - this is True Blood." According to her, there will be some exploration of the fallout with Sam Merlotte, and that Tara will become a stronger character and less of a victim.

Trammell had one more thing to add: "there is a love interest for me." Who could that be?

The shape-shifting thing is pretty cool, and it will be interesting to see the show explore that avenue more. We've had a lot of vampires paired with werewolves lately, so vampires and shape-shifters is a nice new approach to the supernatural buddy system most TV shows and movies have going on right now.

Sadly, we'll all have to wait until June 12th for season four of "True Blood". But good things come to those who wait, right?