'True Blood' Season 6, Episode 3: 'You're No Good' Recap

'True Blood' Season 6, Episode 3: 'You're No Good' Recap Jessica questions Bill about the burning vampires—he says he has to stop 'them." He saw her, Pam, Eric, Tara… all on fire in the sun. He promises to stop this.

Sookie practices her light ball upstairs as Jason and Niall sit downstairs. Jason goes to the kitchen and pops a pill left behind by Lafayette.

Niall sits up abruptly, sensing Warlow. They go outside, but Jason falls, clutching his house in pain, and Sookie runs outside to him. Niall grabs them both and transports them back inside. Niall tells Sookie she needs to be more afraid—Warlow is the proverbial shit hitting the fan.

She asks why Warlow wants her so badly, with her small percentage of blood, and he reminds her they are royal.

Eric brings the governor’s daughter to Fangtasia. Pam and Tara are furious.

The girl tells Eric he doesn’t have to glamor her. She wants to help; she doesn’t like what her father is doing either. She tells him her father used funds to build a camp—part prison, part research facility.

The SWAT team drag a figure into the camp. There is a bag on his head—it’s Reverend Newlin.

Pam finishes packing up Fangtasia—what’s left of it. Pam begs Eric not to bring the girl—Willa—with them, to just kill her. He tells her they have nothing to negotiate with without her.

Sam and Lafayette wake up to Nicole and her “boyfriend” Jesse, of the Vampire-Unity Society. Nicole apologizes to Sam for coming on so strongly—she didn’t know that he was involved with Luna.

“She gonna be trouble for you,” Lafayette predicts. He wants to know the plan.

Eric knocks on the door of Ginger, who is thrilled he is finally taking her up on her sleepover offer.

Jessica finds Bill standing outside on the porch, near dawn. He says he knows the answer now—at the field, he and Lilith stood in the sun. She frantically tries to bring him back inside, but he stays out to meet the sun. Panicked, she watches through the window.

Bill stands with arms outstretched as the sun begins to come up. He bursts into flame and runs in; Jessica extinguishes him. Bill weeps—he doesn’t understand.

Niall goes to the fairy club. It is empty. There is blood all over, and he puts his hands over it, hearing screams. He finds Claude, and reads his thoughts—a vampire got in, he doesn’t know how. He requests the ultimate kindness—Niall lays his hand on him and “sends him home.” He turns to ash.

Sookie goes to check on Jason. She doesn’t like the way he looks. He tells her the hallucinations are gone (though she didn’t realize he was hallucinating). He wishes it had been someone else he hallucinated being so hateful. Sookie reminds him that their parents had their faults—her mother was afraid of her.

Andy goes through the new weapons sent to the police station when Holly comes in and demands he enforce the vampire curfew—they’re scratching at her window all night. His girls are there, now pre-teens. Andy asks Holly to take a ride with him.

Rikki runs, busting into a room and telling Alcide and Martha the cops are on their way. The police say that no one has seen Emma’s father for weeks. They demand to speak to Martha.

Inside, Martha struggles to get Emma to change, but she won’t. Rikki threatens her as Martha goes out to speak to them. The police want to go inside—the new laws mean they don’t need a warrant. Inside, they see Rikki with a puppy. The cops leave.

Rikki yells at them for bringing Emma there and putting them all in danger. Alcide tells her he is packmaster, and Emma stays. Outside, puppy Emma sees an owl watching over.

Andy brings Holly out for some target practices. He wants to be with her again—when she’s ready.

In the coffin at Ginger’s house, Willa takes off the duct tape on her mouth. She wants to talk to Eric more. She says her mother had an affair with a vampire. Eric, who is supposed to be asleep during the day, has the bleeds. She touches his blood and tries to lick it off her fingers, but he won’t let her.

Ben is walking down the road when he sees Niall. He had gotten lost. Niall tells  him that the fairy haven was destroyed. No survivors. He tells him about the vampire—Ben asks if it’s Warlow. He then recognizes Niall, and bows. Ben finds out that Warlow is after Sookie. Niall asks if he will return Sookie’s kindness.

Bill wakes. Jessica wants to go with him, but he won’t let her. She reminds him her life is at stake as well. Bill sends her to go get the man responsible for synthesizing TruBlood, and to wear something inappropriate.

Jess, done up in a very sexy college girl outfit, goes to his class.

Steve Newlin lights up as the door opens—it’s his wife, Sarah. She tells him he hurt her, and embarrassed her. She tells him this place is everything they used to dream about—God’s master plan to save the human race by eradicating vampires. She’s in politics now.

The doctor comes in and Sarah leaves. He wants to know all about Eric Northman, and when he pulls out torture devices, Steve is ready to speak.

Jessica goes to meet the professor, and flirts with him. She asks for private tutoring, and grabs him.

Sookie goes to answer the knock at the door—it’s Bill.

He asks for her help. He tells her all her vampire friends with die if she doesn’t help him. She won’t invite him in—he slams the door open and goes in. Sookie screams for Jason, but Bill throws him against the wall with his mind. He tells Sookie he needs her blood to synthesize. She tells him he isn’t a god, he’s just an asshole. She won’t reconsider, and Bill tells her she is dead to him now.

“I’m good with that.”

Bill leaves, dropping Jason, whose head takes another hit.

The Vampire-Unity Society goes to speak to the werewolves. The pack doesn’t take kindly, and Alcide is furious when he realizes they’re being recorded. They take their cameras, and Rikki sees pictures of Emma on the camera. She changes and attacks one of the boys, prompting others to change. Sam who has been watching as an owl, changes and goes to Emma.

Nicole, bitten, running, is cornered by a wolf, but another blocks it, and she runs off.

Ginger answers Eric’s phone—it’s the governor, tracing it, as Willa notes. He says the call is untraceable. The governor wants to negotiate. Eric says he’s planning to kill her. Somehow, the call gets traced. Eric tells Ginger to stall when they arrive, but Tara has run off with Willa.

Niall goes back to the house with Ben. Sookie is not feeling hospitable, especially when she finds out the fairies are all dead because of her. She goes to clean. Ben wants to help her. Sookie notes that she can feel him when he’s in her head, when she can’t with other fairies.

Niall sits up—he senses someone outside. He blasts them—it’s Nora, who is also looking for Warlow. Inside, Jason collapses, and Nora races off before Niall can find out more.

Andy sees Bill out at night, and politely reminds him there is a vampire curfew. Bill sees a stuffed dog on the seat of Andy’s car, and congratulates him on his children. Bill walks off with a smirk.