'True Blood' Season 6, Episode 2: 'The Sun' Recap

'True Blood' Season 6, Episode 2: 'The Sun' Recap On a bridge, something seems to be trying to break through a force field. The words on Sookie’s contract glow as she sleeps—on the bridge, it bursts free, a vampire.

Jason tries to stop the car veering without a driver—Warlow appears, and stops the car with magic. Jason gets out and threatens him—the man tells him he is not Warlow; he is his fucking fairy godfather. He tells him he’s been there his whole life, and proves it with details from Jason’s childhood.

His grandfather isn’t thrilled at how Jason was acting—what if he was Warlow? He’s probably the oldest vampire walking. If Jason wants in on the fight, he has to get his act together not go blabbing his story to strangers.

Tara screams in agony. She isn’t healing. Eric comes in, and removes the bullet from inside of her. It’s a silver bullet that emits UV light.

“They fucking did it. The humans are fighting back.”

Pam tells them they should be scared, for once. Eric just says if the humans want war—they will give them war.

Jessica wakes hearing Bill scream. He is crying blood—he feels all the pain of all the vampires. Burned, dragged by chains, whipped… He collapses, Jessica is unable to wake him.

Bill is in another world—“no place.” He sees Lilith in a field.

“You think you still get to be Bill Compton?”

She tells him events have been set in motion.

Arlene calls Sookie and wakes her, pissed that she hasn’t shown up for her shift. She goes to complain to  Terry, and he sees Patrick’s wife walk in, pregnant. Arlene makes him go talk to her.

She thinks Patrick has run off with another woman. Arlene walks in and tells her that yes, Patrick left her.

Sookie walks down the road—she hears a man crying in the bushes, bleeding. He refuses help, but Sookie hears his thoughts, and knows he’s half fairy. She drags him home. He explains that he blasted the vampire to get away. He says she reminds him off his first love in high school—though nicer. He falls asleep, upsetting Sookie, who is already late for work.

At the bar, Arlene notices new people coming in from out of town and seats them. One of the girls goes to the bar and wants to talk to Sam—she says he knows she’s a shifter. She wants to begin a dialogue between humans and other magical creatures. She says she is there to help. She is Nicole Wright, and she wants him to come out. She thinks if he comes out, it will inspire other supernaturals to do the same. Sam refuses.

Bill is still in his trance—Lilith tells him a tyrant is rising, and Bill must complete her work. He asks if he is a god—Lilith tells him there is no god but God, though he may come to be worshipped in his task.

Veronica, their meal for the night, lets herself in. Jessica leads her to Bill, thinking maybe he is hungry. Veronica tries to wake him, but nothing happens, and, nervous, she goes to leave—something drags her back, disjointed, bones snapping, and Bill’s mouth drops open. Her blood pours out of her mouth, and into his, killing her violently.

Sookie administers to the man. As she touches him, there is a spark, and his wound is improved. He goes to leave, giving her his name—Ben. He is headed wherever the road takes him. She tells him there is a safe place for fairies.

Andy, meanwhile, is screaming in a field trying to get the mother of his large children to come out of said safe place, to no answer.

Jason takes his fairy godmother home, and he asks where the portal is where Warlow tried to break through. He shows him the upstairs bathroom. He goes through the portal to see if Warlow succeeded. Jason attempts to follow but can’t. A moment later, his wet grandpa returns.

“It’s worse than I thought.”

Sookie walks with Ben. He wants to see her again, but she tells him she’s not in the best place. She thinks about Bill, and he hears her thoughts.

“I shouldn’t be taking walks with handsome strangers. It never ends well.”

She leaves him with directions to the fairy club.

Nora re-reads the Bible per Eric’s instructions. She finds a mistranslation, and wants to go find Eric. She tells Pam, who is still upset by Eric’s coldness, that she knows he loves her and that she is what he is most proud of.

Eric is scoping out the governor’s mansion. He hears someone on his way to a meeting.

The governor’s daughter asks if she can go out for drinks with some of the kids on the campaign, but her father tells her it’s too dangerous. Annoyed, she goes to get his next appointment—Eric in costume. He pretends to be there to discuss the Whooping Crane and segues into a threat: he tells the governor to stop persecuting vampires, and glamors him.

The governor calls in his guards. He has special contact solutions that protect him from being dazzled. The guards are told to take Eric to “camp.”

Sookie comes home to find Jason, and he introduces her to Grandpa Niall. They find out that Warlow is there. He tells Sookie there are things they need to know—Warlow has been obsessed with their family for thousands of years. She is a descendant of the original fae, and Niall is a king in his own world. Warlow massacred his entire village and family when he was a child. The night the Stackhouse parents were killed, Claudine blasted him into a dark realm, but he has returned.

He tells them there is a secret in their family. He demonstrates—they can channel their light into a ball of energy, that will go supernova when thrown and kill any vampire. However, as only half fae, she will only be able to use it once—and then she will be fae no longer.

Niall shows her how to develop the light, and to reabsorb it so she doesn’t use it up while practicing.

As Eric is about to be loaded into the van, he blasts off, surprising the guards who did not know some vampires can fly.

Sam goes home to where Lafayette is watching Emma. The pack comes—they saw Luna on television. They think it’s best if Emma goes home with the pack. Emma runs out and screams that she wants to stay with Sam, but Martha grabs her up, starting a fight. They take her. Sam and Lafayette are left on the ground, the fight observed by the young group from the diner.

The governor’s daughter takes out her contacts, when Eric, hovering by the window, glamours her. She invites him in.

Terrified, Jessica slowly approaches Bill. She talks to him. She is afraid. She was raised on the human Bible, but now she knows the vampire bible, but she’s not sure she believes in either anymore. Is he God? She prays out loud. She begs for forgiveness and asks for God to watch over and bless her friends. She asks for Bill to come back to her.

In the “no place,” Lilith is telling Bill that he will save them all. He will know what to do. Trust what he sees. Bill suddenly wakes from his trance.

Behind him, the television turns on. Jessica hears, and runs down to find Bill up, hugging him. They watch a vampire tied behind a truck and dragged. The governor of Louisiana is refusing to act or call it a crime. Jessica realizes Bill saw the future.

He sees vampires—Tara and Jessica, among others, in blue suits in a room. The ceiling opens, sunlight pouring in and setting them on fire.

“I can see the future… they’re all gonna burn.”