'True Blood' Season 6, Episode 1: 'Who Are You, Really?' Recap

'True Blood' Season 6, Episode 1: 'Who Are You, Really?' Recap In the season six opener, we pick up where we left off—with crazed Billith hunting down Eric and Sookie as they run for their lives.

He disables the elevator, trapping them inside, with the top sealed shut. Eric attempts to punch through.

Sam drags out Luna, who is not doing well, blood coming from her mouth. She makes Sam promise to protect her daughter, and promptly dies. Sam grabs the girl and runs off, vampires in hot pursuit.

The rest of the gang continues sneaking and shooting their way out—and a blast of flame from the building almost has Jason running back for his sister, but Nora stops him. Eric and Sookie roll up in a car, and gather them. As they drive off, the rest of the building explodes… and out strides a naked, bloody Bill. They stop, shocked. He begins to levitate, and they tear off.

On the radio news, the governor is having a news conference—he swore to protect the people of his state. People, not vampires. He insists they take their streets back. He institutes a vampire curfew. He closes down all vampire-run business. He tells his people to buy guns and stock up on wooden bullets.

A woman throws a blood balloon at him, screaming for him to stop the bloodshed, and is hauled off. Jason, hearing the news, is pleased something is finally being done.

Eric pulls the car over to talk to Nora in private. He yells at Pam, who is hurt he won’t share things with her.

He asks Nora about any mention of a resurrection in their Bible, but she has never heard of it. She thinks that any form of Lilith walking the earth needs to be destroyed. Jessica overhears and it upset that they want to kill Bill.

Tara comforts Pam, and tells her love doesn’t have to be a competition, but she won’t have any of it. Tara breaks her down, and Pam cries on her shoulder.

Sookie finds Jessica crying. Jessica asks if she still loves Bill, and Sookie says loving him is just in her blood now. They both admit they’re afraid. Sookie says she saw Bill die and turn into something else—whatever that thing is, it’s not Bill. She suggests they both have to let him go.

Nora tells Eric they need to talk to Jason, which Eric finds laughable. He, however, doesn’t know who Warlow is, while Jason does. Nora demands he tell her what he knows about Warlow, and dazzles him into the truth. When he gets free, he pulls the gun on her, furious she manipulated him. He demands Nora tell him about Warlow, and she says he is in the Book of Lilith, as one of her progenies. Sookie has to get in between him and Nora. Jason seems to be losing it. He declares Sookie is dead to him and dashes off.

Jessica is seized with something—Bill is summoning her. Eric tries to stop her, but she begins to vomit blood, crying and collapsing. She screams that his fist is squeezing her heart, and her chest is bruised and pounding.

Sookie says she will go with her, and goes to take Jessica to Bill.

With the old packmaster dead, the pack eats him. Alcide’s dad tells him it’s not too late to back out—he eats, accepting his role. A beautiful woman, Danielle, offer him her services—whatever he may need. Martha notes that power is the truly dangerous drug. The pack all change, and run, except for Martha and Rikki.

Arlene yells at Andy, who is sitting on the porch ignoring his crying babies. He says he doesn’t know how to take care of them. She gives him a pep talk, and he goes in to help. Terry and Arlene walk him through changing a diaper.

Sam brings Emma back to Merlott’s, but hears something moving in the dark. He grabs a bat. Lafayette comes out with a gun. He was sobering up on the office floor—he turns on a light and sees Sam covered with blood. He asks if it’s about Luna—her television change is all over the news. Emma comes up and says her mother is dead, and Lafayette goes to make her something to eat.

Jason has finally stopped running. He sticks out his thumb, and a car stops for him. The passenger door opens without assistance, and the man inside asks if he needs help. Jason gets in, and the door shuts itself behind him.

Jason says he was attacked by a vampire. The man says he had family in Bon Temps, but hasn’t been back in a long, long time. Jason surreptitiously keeps his gun on him, since the man doesn’t seem bothered by the blood he is covered in. He asks about Jason’s family and Jason starts the long story, in great detail.

Sookie and Jessica stop at the house where she is being summoned. Sookie breaks some stakes and they go in, following the bloody footprints. They find red powder on the floor, and Sookie wonders if he is dead.

They find him on the porch, dressed, clean. He says he just wants to talk—but from nowhere Eric and Nora appear, and he stops them. Sookie stakes Bill from behind before he can kill Eric. Bill pulls the stake through and tosses it aside. He retracts his fangs.

“Now can we talk?”

He tells  them he is no monster, and wishes them no harm. But don’t force him to defend himself again… he says his is still Bill, but something more. He sees everything differently.

Sookie says Bill Compton is gone. He died. She felt it. She wants proof that he means no harm—stay away from all of them. Leave and never come back.

Jessica says no. Bill is staying and so is she. She tells Sookie they are the ones who have to leave. She is tired of the killing. Jessica demands they go.

Miss Suzuki goes to meet with the governor. He wants to partner with Tru Blood for a “government bail out.” She says her clients—vampires—don’t exactly like him right now. He says he inherited a bottling plant. She can use it free of charge until they get the Tru Blood facilities running again. He will be a silent partner. He hopes that once vampires have a food source once again they'll stop feeding on his citizens…. And he needs revenue to get re-elected. She agrees to the deal.

While running, Alcide changes back, and he and Danielle kiss—until Rikki interrupts. She grabs Alcide and kisses him possessively. Danielle walks away, but Rikki calls her back and kisses her too. She presents her to Alcide.

At the bar, Tara tries to talk Pam out of her loyalty to Eric. Pam tells Tara she can’t replace him and never will.

Someone bangs on the door, and soldiers swarm in looking for Pam. The governor is enforcing the close of Fangtasia. Tara threatens the man holding the gun in Pam’s face, and he shoots her with the laser beam. She falls, in serious pain, Pam screaming for her.

Eric tells Sookie she should go off and start a new life, hide. She reminds him she has had Bill’s blood, and he will find her if he wants her. Eric is rather touched she tried to kill Bill to save him. She says things have changed—for her, for everyone.

“To me you’ll always be that girl in the white dress. The one who walked into my bar.”

At her house, he asks for a pen and paper. He stabs himself with the pen, and in blood, gives her back her home. He tells her to stay away from Bill.

“I wanna be that girl again. The one in the white dress. I want my life back.”

She quietly rescinds his invitation to her house, and he is pulled outside. They say goodnight.

Nora is waiting for him. She wants to know if they can use “the fairy” to find Bill, and he insists they stay away from Sookie now. She realizes he was in love with her.

Andy wakes to his children running out to see him on the couch—they are toddler-sized now.

Bill goes to Jessica’s room with some Tru Blood he found. She sips it and goes to set it on the table but drops it. Bill catches it with his mind and puts it back in place. Jessica tells him when he summoned her, he almost tore her apart. He tells her he doesn’t know what he is, or why he is. He needs her.

During the war he was in, there was General Sherman who burned down the Carolinas. He started out a good man, but as he grew more powerful, he fought dirtier and uglier than anyone. He went mad. He needs Jessica to keep him honest.

Jason continues talking to the man driving him, giving him every detail. He thinks maybe he’s being too hard on Sookie now. Maybe he is going crazy. He does see his parents. “And they’ve gotten kind of racist and scary since they went to Heaven.”

From the back seat, his parents glare.

Jason mentions Warlow, and the man says he can’t keep Warlow away from Sookie. Jason realizes he never said her name, and he is Warlow. Jason tries to shoot him, but Warlow laughs and disappears. The car swerves, no one driving now.

Bill, trying to read, is overwhelmed by visions. He hears Lilith calling him. He goes to the office, and finds her standing in multiple places. He asks who she is, and all the manifestations sweep into him.


“Unless he’s flying over our heads like a naked, evil Superman.”

“I hate the beach. Fish piss and sand in your cooch.”

“Is this about your girlfriend turning into Steve Newlin? ‘Cuz that was the sickest shit I seen on TV, and I watch ‘Dance Moms.’”

“I’m your number one bitch. Don’t you ever forget it.”