'True Blood' Season 4, Episode 7 'The Cold, Grey Light of Dawn' Recap

'True Blood' Season 4, Episode 7  'The Cold, Grey Light of Dawn' Recap To say this episode was action-packed would be a wild understatement. We start off in vampire jail where Antonia has wicca-glamoured Sheriff Luis. She makes it look like he is attacking Antonia/Marnie, drawing Sexy Librarian Witch Katie into the cell.

Antonia flips it so that glamoured Luis is glamouring Katie into clearing all the exits for her escape. Which she does after executing Katie for treason and sending Luis to Bill with a message announcing her return.

Bill is still moping around the mansion after setting Eric free to bone Sookie. He’s moved on from listening to Neko Case on repeat to a nice big glass of scotch and blood when Luis shows up. He delivers Antonia’s message with a side dish of trying to murder Bill. Things get hectic but Bill gets the best of him. Luis’s last word is resurrection. Looks like the Witch War is on!

Meanwhile, back out in the woods Alcide and Debbie are getting officially jumped in to the local wolf pack.  But Alcide still can’t stop worrying about Sookie, out on her own on a full moon night. Debbie picks up on this and after a momentary jealous pout she gets her awesome on and insists they go check on her to ease Alcide’s mind. They soon find out Sookie’s doing just fine, getting her brains banged out by Eric on the forest floor.  Which is seriously what these two spend the whole episode doing, on pretty much every available surface in Bon Temps.

Over at Merlotte’s Pam is still tormenting Tara and Naomi and even the girls’ mixed martial arts skills can’t save them. This whole rotting curse is really not bringing out the best in Pam. She is truly choking the life out of Tara when she realizes that the whole restaurant has pulled a TMZ and this little exchange is being videotaped. Pam has no choice but to drop her but not without unleashing some epic verbal threats that are scary enough to make Tara break up with Naomi on the spot. And so Tara is left heartbroken and sobbing in the Merlotte’s parking lot.  Again.

It takes Sam and Luna approximately one awkward phone call to figure out Tommy’s skinwalking shenanigans from last episode. Sam almost strangles him to death but settles for kicking him out of his life forever one last time.

Thanks to Jesus’ black magic grandpa, Lafayette now knows that he is a medium. Back at Merlotte’s he sees the pretty (but maybe evil?) ghost lady that has attached herself to baby Mikey. So maybe Mikey is a medium too? We’ll see, but either way I’m betting this newfound skill is going to make Lafayette a major player in the Witch War.

Using coded second-wave feminist rhetoric (which technically makes her waaaaaay ahead of her time), Antonia recruits Tara into Operation Resurrection. Tara brings in Holly and a handful of other local witches and they waste no time at all, circling up to unleash the curse that will force every vampire in range to meet the sun.

Bill has ordered all the vamps in his kingdom to go to ground, restraining themselves with silver in order to prevent them from walking out into the day.  He and Jessica go to ground together and have an awesome father-daughter heart to heart in which she reveals that she has maybe fallen out of love with Hoyt. Unfortunately Bill went a little easy on Jessica’s silver and once the spell gets going she gets free and walks out to meet the sun.

Holy sh^& that was stressful! Next week, the war really gets going and we find out if Jessica met her true death or was saved in the nick of time by Jason Stackhouse.