'True Blood' Season 4, Episode 10 Recap - 'Burning Down the House'

'True Blood' Season 4, Episode 10 Recap - 'Burning Down the House' When we left “True Blood” last week, Sookie arrived at the Tolerance rally just as everything was going straight to hell. Antonia had the remaining Louisiana sheriffs under her control and they had started killing everybody. The last scene of the episode had a bloody, mind-controlled Eric heading right for Bill.

Episode 10 of “True Blood” season 4 begins where episode 9 started, with all hell breaking loose, as Bill and Eric battle each other, and the auditorium was full of chaos and vamp violence.

When Antonia’s spells have Eric steps away from killing Bill after he has fired upon Eric, Sookie steps in and unleashes some serious white light fairy magic to stop the madness. Antonia is taken aback and everyone looks around like “what the hell just happened.”

Marnie/Antonia splits real quick-like and seems to show genuine remorse for the bloodshed she’s caused on a roomful of innocent people.

Meanwhile back in the bed of a pickup, Jessica and Jason wipe up the sex sweat and start discussing their guilt issues. Jason, whose bromance with Hoyt has him all torn up inside, tells Jessica he’d like her to glamour him so he can’t remember that he wants her.

“Who’s going to make me forget?” she asks. Leaving him with a frustrated shout of “f%$^*ing humans!”Jessica launches off looking for someone to eat.

Tommy’s been torn to shreds by Marcus Boseman and his werewolf pack and is inside bleeding all over Alcide’s van, asking to be taken to Merlotte’s. Tommy refuses vampire blood and decides his time is now, deciding he wants to “disappear like he never was.” Sam and Tommy have a serious heart to heart about their time together, the past and brotherhood. Tommy dies with a gurgle and a whimper.

Back at the Casa de la Witch, Tara and the locked up with clan are torn over what to do next, battling the need to escape with the need to be protected from the vampires. Marnie returns from the bloodbath with a couple of mind-controlled vamps in tow, calling them all “ingrateful.”

“What’s the deal with your little dairy maid with her lighting tricks,” Nan asks Bill, who tells her they have more important things to deal with, mainly like going after Antonia with “any means necessary.” When Nan tries to pull rank on Bill, he puts her in her place, claiming it’s her lack of ability to take action earlier that has caused the bloodbath and rise of power of the witch.

Meanwhile, Eric has remembered everything about his life and is back to his old more dangerous self after being blasted with Sookie’s white-hot love. He and Sookie have a heart to heart, and Sookie announces her dedication to having her cake and eating it too with Bill.

Meanwhile, Hoyt’s falling apart at the seams over Jessica, and wants to move in with Jason as he tries to get over her.

Andy gets busted with V by Arlene and Terry, and Terry takes him out to the family tree house in the woods to help him get straight. They beat the hell out of each other in the process, and terry leaves Andy in the woods to walk home, in the hopes that when he returns to Bon Temps proper, he'll be recovered.

Antonia splits from Marnie, literally leaving her body because she’s feeling a little guilty about the bloodshed, but Marnie is able to convince her to come back up inside her by pointing out that people stood by and watched while she burned in the old days.

Marcus Bozeman is back at Alcide’s place trying to make the moves on Debbie, while Sam and Alcide are beating up his wolf buddy.

Jesus walks into the Moon Goddess Emporium (not that Jesus) by breaking through a spell-wall and looking like a demon beast-boy in the process. He gets through to Marnie and learns she’s willing to be posessed, all while Tara is cooking up a spell to break through the protection wall. When Marnie catches wind of the treachery, she ends up heading to the street and blasting Sookie and Lafayette, making them disappear to places unknown.

As the show closes out, the vampires pull up in a van and jump out, sporting some seriously fetishy black leather and wielding witch-killing gear. This is all about to get very, very ugly (again).