'True Blood': Does Season 4's Gay Reveal Send the Wrong Message?

'True Blood': Does Season 4's Gay Reveal Send the Wrong Message? Be warned: there will be SPOILERS of the season four premiere of "True Blood" ahead. So if you haven't seen it, don't continue on just yet. And if you do, don't go showing me your fangs because of it.

There were a few surprises to the season four premiere of "True Blood," but perhaps none quite as shocking as the glimpse we got into Tara's new life. Maybe we all could have seen her stint as a cage fighter coming, but finding out that she's hooking up with her hot female co-worker was a bit of a surprise.

Having a gay character on "True Blood" is certainly nothing new (hello, Lafayette?), and having gay characters feature prominently in TV shows is almost always a plus. But considering the fact that Tara has been straight for the past three seasons, does this twist send the wrong message?

In a world where many anti-gay protesters are calling homosexuality a "choice," having a character suddenly switch teams aligns more with their side than the pro-gay, Lady Gaga-esque "Born This Way" stance.

In an interview with THR, executive producer Alexander Woo acknowledged the sudden change. "Was she always curious? Did she always have sexual interest in men and women? I think we figured that we certainly were careful not to suggest that her life and the course of her life drew her into a relationship with another woman," Woo noted.

Rutina Wesley, who plays Tara, worries about that idea as well. "My main thing is I don’t think it’s because my character has such bad luck with men," Wesley said. "I hope that people can understand that."