'True Blood' Casts Answers (As Best They Can...) Season-Five Questions

'True Blood' Casts Answers (As Best They Can...) Season-Five Questions (WARNING: May contain spoilers for previous happenings on "True Blood." If that's a problem, read no further.)

Sunday and the fifth-season premiere of HBO's "True Blood" shall cometh like a bloodsucker in the night. E! Online got a step ahead of HBO's biggest drama this side of "Game Of Thrones" and got the Bon Temps low-down from locals Anna Paquin, Alexander Skarsgard, Joe Manganiello and Stephen Moyer.

For starters, it seems it might be easier - maybe just a little more compelling - ruling out who didn't dig up Russell Edgington last season.

"It definitely wasn't Eric," Skarsgard said. For his part, Mangianello added, "It wasn't Alcide. I'll tell you that much."

Moyer's just as evasive, but he's at least a little bit more upfront about it.

I can't tell you who dug up Russell Edgington because it's a very major plot point," he said.

Though Alcide's seemingly out of the running and not a happy camper about it, Sookie must yet contend with a Tug-of-War between Eric and Bill. Moyer claims that as this season gets into gear, Sookie could be taking a backseat in his heart.

"I think he's got other things on his mind. There's just not time to worry about that relationship," Moyer said. "When we left Bill and Eric last time, Sookie had just told them she was going in a different direction for a while. And then something major happens to them and they are completely caught up with dealing with that."

That's not to say Sookie isn't still living rent-free in Alcide's head. She's just clearly not longer on his good side, and possibly about to pay a price.

"You're going to see him pick up where he left off last season, which was pissed, and you're really going to see his transformation this season into the big bad wolf," Mangianello said. "This is the season I've been waiting for since I've been on the show." For just a little more dirt on what's to come, check out the E! interviews with cast members below.