'Trophy Wife' Season 1, Episode 8: 'Lice and Beary White' Recap

'Trophy Wife'  Season 1, Episode 8: 'Lice and Beary White' Recap Kate tries to learn guitar via a Youtube video. She gets a call from Bert's school - there's a lice outbreak.

Kate scratches her head as she talks with the school attendant. She gets kicked out - neither she nor Bert can return until they're all clear.

She calls Pete and lets him know they probably all have lice. She goes to the pharmacy and picks up treatment.

Diane unfortunately has also gotten the call, and steps in to take over. Kate assures her she had everything covered, but Diane just acts like Diane.

Jackie swings by to check on Bert but refuses to come inside. She just got an expensive blow-out and her hair has never looked so good. Diane instructs Kate to go get Jackie, since she probably already has lice.

While clearing out the sheets in the house, Pete finds a stuffed bear in Warren's bed. He confronts Warren - the bear, Beary White, was supposed to have gone to Bert, but he "disappeared."

Outside, Jackie and Kate argue about Diane taking over. Diane ends things by spraying down Jackie with the hose, ruining her blow-out.

Kate puts the lice treatment into Jackie's hair, while Kate is furious that Diane again took over her task and Jackie mourns her beautiful hair. Kate decides they need to teach Diane that she is not perfect. Kate dumps out the lice shampoo and puts in regular for Diane's turn, since Diane will insist on doing it by herself and not needing help.

Pete forces Warren to give Beary White back to Bert and admit that he stole him. The two fight over him. Pete decides each can state their case and he will choose who gets the toy. Warren says he wasn't ready to give the bear away, he was pressured into it.

Kate and Jackie find Diane shampooing her hair again... only it was her first time, she actually did Hillary before with the regular shampoo. Hillary who is now back at school. Jackie caves in and starts to tells her what happened but Kate steps in and admits her crime. Jackie leaps to the side of Diane.

Diane and Kate demand Jackie move her car so they can go and get Hillary. It becomes a competition. Jackie takes off, and Kate runs in her car. Diane jumps in the back seat.

Pete discusses the judgement of Solomon. Unfortunately both are okay with him cutting the bear in half. Finally, they agree to joint custody. Unfortunately, a close-up of the bear reveals it is riddled with lice.

On the way to get Hillary, Kate tells Diane that she bosses everyone around. Diane reluctantly agrees Kate does work hard and she should give her more credit. They run in to find Hillary performing "Hair" with others, and she is instructed to give her wig to the understudy. Kate and Diane agree to run and hope some other kid gets blamed.

Bert irons Jackie's hair for her.