'Trophy Wife' Season 1, Episode 7: 'The Date' Recap

'Trophy Wife'  Season 1, Episode 7: 'The Date' Recap After throwing parties for the kids, Kate declares they should have a grown-up party. No kids, no ex's.

Pete calls up Jackie and asks her to watch Bert on Friday so they can have a party. She agrees, then immediately calls Diane to watch Bert so she can go to the party.

Kate's party is going well. Her hipster friends are mixing well with Pete's lawyer friends. Kate meets Steve, Pete's friend. Meg swoops in on him immediately.

Jackie arrives to their disgust.

Diane has all three kids. Warren and Bert work a camera to do a gum-review video, while Hillary studies. She has forgotten her math book, however, so Diane puts her in charge and goes to Pete's to get it.

Pete and Kate play beer pong with Steve and Meg while Diane walks in to grab the book and disapprove of everyone.

Bert and Warren tape their gum show. Hillary observes and asks to be the executive producer so she can improve their viewership. They agree.

After the party, Kate and Meg clean up. They discover Meg and Steve having party sex in Pete's office... Meg comes up behind them to find out what they're listening to. They realize Steve is fooling around with Jackie.

The next day they disinfect the office.

Hillary finds a picture of Diane that Meg snapped at the party making the rounds on Instagram under #drunkmoms. She tells Hillary to take it down, but she tells her only Meg can.

Steve goes to see if he and Pete need to talk about things. Pete insinuates that it would be weird if Steve dated his ex. Steve, known around the office as Sad Steve, is bummed. Pete decides it's okay if Steve calls her, especially since Steve seems to want to whisk Jackie away.

Kate finds Jackie in their house again and yells at her for crashing the party and having sex in Pete's office. She convinces Jackie not to go out with Steve again, but Pete calls and tells her that Steve is looking to get serious with someone... and take them on trips. It may mean less of Jackie showing up all the time.

With Hillary in control, Warren and Bert's gum show is doing surprisingly well. She decides she wants to be in front of the camera. They film her, with the camera off.

Her confidence unsure, Jackie gets advice from Kate to be a little more coy and mysterious than usual.

Diane goes to Meg's bar and asks her to take down the picture. Meg challenges her to a game of beer pong.

Pete comes home to see if Jackie has been foisted off on Steve, only to find out Kate has been talked into doing a double date with them.

At dinner, Jackie overplays the mysterious angle. Awkward and uncomfortable, she flees. Kate follows. Jackie admits she knows she is too much for people.  Kate comforts her and tells her she doesn't seem to be too much for Steve.

Diane and Meg have their beer pong showdown. Meg wins by a squeak, but then she passes out. Diane has to stitch her up, with a promise she will never post more pictures online. She challenges her to another game.

Returning to the table, Jackie is herself, and Steve seems to enjoy it. She releases Kate and Pete, and then kisses Steve.