'Trophy Wife' Season 1, Episode 4: 'The Breakup' Recap

'Trophy Wife'  Season 1, Episode 4: 'The Breakup' Recap Pete and Kate sit and watch a movie, though of course it's interrupted by everyone, including Diane, who brings books for Warren to study.

Meg bursts in, having gotten into a huge fight with her boyfriend. She wants to stay. Kate makes her "Meg-Nog," the official breakup drink.

Hillary asks them to keep it down, since she's working on a school project.  Pete suggests they go out.

Jackie comes in with a surprise for Bert, since his grandpa has dementia setting in and keeps thinking it's Bert's birthday. It's a giant lego toy he's always wanted.

Kate and Meg are passed out at home. Pete wake Kate and tells her to get it together since the kids will be up soon. Hillary comes out and realizes her solar system project is destroyed - Meg seems to have eaten all the candy off of it.

Hillary is furious at Meg, while she and Kate struggle through the morning. Kate offers to take the kids to school but Pete won't let her -just get Meg out.

Jackie and Bert are struggling with the legos. Jackie calls Warren and asks him to come help, but he's supposed to be preparing for the pre P.S.A.T.'s. Jackie convinces him to come over to assist.

Pete comes home as a neighbor knocks and informs him thather son saw a topless woman in the pool last night. Meg. Meg comes in from the pool, still topless. With guidance from Pete, Kate tells Meg she can't stay another night... because Hillary's Model U.N. Club is coming over.

Diane calls Warren and asks him about the studying, though he's definitely not.

Kate brings Meg back home to her boyfriend Tevin. It turns out the fight is literally because she threw out his mustard. Mad, Kate leaves. She confesses the Model U.N. meeting was fake; Meg has been disrupting her entire household. She and Meg fight and decide to take a break.

Kate storms home to Pete, furious that Meg has said she isn't fun anymore. She worries they're growing apart. Pete tells her to call up Meg and make up with her.

Diane shows up at Jackie's, on the hunt for Warren. Jackie tries to gently tell Diane that Warren is having a hard time living up to her expectations.

Pete shows up at Meg's. He tells her that Kate is very upset she may be losing Meg. He convinces Meg that Kate needs her.

Diane sweeps Warren up and brings him home, telling him she just wants him to succeed. He admits he's not sure what he wants to do with his life, and she tells him that's okay.

Meg shows up at Kate's, with Tevin, and the two present a new "project" for Hillary, who's not impressed. Meg and Kate apologize to each other and make up.