'Trophy Wife' Season 1, Episode 3: 'The Social Network' Recap

'Trophy Wife'  Season 1, Episode 3: 'The Social Network' Recap Saturday morning, and Hillary is strangely pleasant.

Jackie appears, having snuck in through the doggie door. Bert has a play date with Sawyer. The phone rings - Diane. She informs Pete that last weekend Hillary (who was supposed to be at a slumber party) was out hooking up with a boy at a party.

Pete asks Kate what it means when a girl hooks up.

The boy is named Ace McBrady. Diane informs Pete to go through Hillary's room when she's not there. Kate tells Pete he cannot do that.

As Jackie drives Bert to his playdate, she tells him that Sawyer's mom has a jewelry shop, and Jackie's new dream is to be a jewelry designer.

Pete asks Hillary about the slumber party, but Hillary lies. Pete is upset that he gave her the chance to come clean, and she has lied. Pete goes to snoop through her bedroom, but Kate insists he will regret it.

He snoops but finds nothing... until he decides to log onto her computer. Confused by what he is doing, he continues to post searches for Ace McBrady as Hillary's Facebook status.

Hillary comes home before it can be fixed, and screams loudly when she hops on her computer.

Diane comes to pick up Hillary, pretending to take her daughter's side. Pete tricks Diane into admitting that she masterminded the plot.

Jackie has tea with her Sawyer's mom, and wrangles a chance to show her jewelry at the woman's shop. Only problem is she wants to show 50 pieces, and Jackie only has 30 made.

Kate tells Pete and Diane that there will be no more snooping. She will talk to Hillary.

Kate goes to try and speak with Hillary, but gets her usual attitude. Kate tells her that they just want her to be happy, and Hillary asks if she can go to a party. Kate tells her no, because she is grounded, so Hillary asks if she can see a movie with her friend Bree. She flatters Kate.

Kate tells Pete she wants to take Hillary to see a movie with her friend. Diane takes her side and agrees... buying herself and Pete time to snoop.

Jackie makes some progress on the jewelry, but calls it a night. She asks Bert what he wants for helping her, and he says to have Warren come over.

Kate, with Meg, drops Hillary off at the movies. Kate is crowing about how cool she is. They stop at the ATM and Meg points out that Hillary is getting picked up and sneaking off. Kate and Meg chase after her.

Diane sorts through Hillary's room when the phone goes off. Diane tells Pete that Hillary is going to a party... Diane used Facebook to set up a profile for a fake girl, waited until she became popular, and uses it to spy on the kids.

Jackie finds that Bert has enlisted Warren to help her make jewelry. He wants her to have her pieces ready, and to be happy.

Meg and Kate bust into the party... and so do Diane and Pete. Everyone argues, and they meet Ace McBrady... so called for acing all his tests. Meg notes that if these are the lame kind of parties Hillary goes to, they have nothing to worry about. Kids are playing bridge. There's no booze. Still, they drag her out since she's still grounded.

Warren sends a love message to Courtney Winters, not knowing that Courtney is his mother. "Courtney" responds back she only dates  boys with a 3.5 GPA or higher.