'Trophy Wife' Season 1, Episode 2: 'Cold File' Recap

'Trophy Wife'  Season 1, Episode 2: 'Cold File' Recap Kate and Pete put Bert to bed, which is a long process.

In the morning, Pete's kids have him help them get ready, rejecting Kate's offers to assist. She gets ignored, and wanders off, hurt.

She finds Pete in the shower and tells him she's not feeling very needed by the kids. She's been living there for a year and he still does everything, leaving nothing for her. He agrees to let her do more of the "crap."

Kate goes to Bert's soccer game, dragging the cooler. Jackie asks Pete if he can watch Bert, but he's busy. Kate offers to put Bert to bed, though Jackie gets a weird look.

Hillary tells Warren to move his feet so she can sit with her snacks on the couch (which is not usually allowed at Mom's house). They fight, and she spills her salsa all over. Warren and Hillary call Pete to confess and ask for help. He advises that they run away. The kids are terrified. They flip the cushions as Diane comes in.

Kate puts Bert to bed, and he puts up his usual fight. Finally, he's out, and she sneaks out to watch television. He follows her.

Diane makes snacks for the kids... taunting them with the salsa bottle. They panic about whether or not she knows.

Kate makes Bert pinky swear not to tell, and lets him lay in bed and watch television with her. Finally, she falls asleep, though Bert is still wide awake. He ends up watching a cold case show about a doctor who steals organs.

Kate wakes Bert up in the morning, though he's groggy from not sleeping well. He asks if a doctor will steal his uterus. Kate sneaks him a sip of her coffee to wake him up faster. He drains it.

Peter gives Kate her next challenge since she apparently did so well with Bert: helping him coach his little league team, since the assistant coach had a nervous breakdown.

Diane dances in the living room, forcing the kids to dance with her... Salsa dance. They're terrified.

At soccer practice, Bert is being especially weird. Kate brings him aside and tells him to tone it down.

Diane speaks to Warren privately (about sitting when he pees) and calls Hillary in for a private chat as well.

At soccer, Bert is crashing pretty badly. Pete and Jackie are getting suspicious. Kate tries to rev Bert up and kicks a soccer ball into his "uterus." He has to go to the hospital, where the truth comes out. Jackie is too hard on Kate, and Pete tells her to dial it back and not be so rough.

Hillary goes into the living room and finds the couch cushion has been flipped. Diane takes their confessions, having tortured them straight.

Jackie goes and apologizes to Kate, and tells her Bert is asking for her, which thrills Kate. She promises to Pete not to keep things from him anymore.