'Trophy Wife' Season 1, Episode 17: 'The Wedding: Part 2' Recap

'Trophy Wife'  Season 1, Episode 17: 'The Wedding: Part 2' Recap Pete and Kate pick up Cricket, Kate's mom with no boundaries.

Pete's parents arrive as well, much more conservative. With their marriage rocky, Pete has to relay messages back and forth between them, and will be sleeping with his father during his stay. His father tells him he's not retired anymore - something his wife doesn't know.

Hillary asks Meg for help with her list, but Meg insists they stick to the plan - Hillary does the boring stuff, Meg the fun. Hillary reminds Meg she can't drive to go pick up the things she needs.

Bert and Warren are fitted in their kilts, and request that Diane and Jackie no longer use the term "adorable" on them. Pete finds out his mother sold the house and bought a condo in Florida - something her husband doesn't yet know. She also invites Diane and Jackie to the rehearsal dinner. Diane is annoyed that they have not been asked to participate in the wedding but are still helping, but Jackie doesn't mind, and they accept.

As the final course is served, the waiters strip off their clothes and begin dancing. Cricket (Kate's mom) has hired strippers. Kate yells at her, and Cricket accuses her of being a bridezilla.

The next morning, Kate and Pete regret inviting their parents. Kate decides to put Pete's parents in the same room and blurt out their secrets, and run. It doesn't work, they still ignore the problem.

Bert and Warren, after being "awwed" again, are attempting to be more manly. Warren is shaving in hopes it will inspire a beard, and Bert applies a bunch of cologne.

Pete finds Cricket on the roof and tries to chase her off with the pool skimmer. Cricket tells Kate that she thinks she's mad that she had such a crazy life growing up, since she has such a perfect life now. Kate tells her that's not true. She also sees Diane and Jackie with a bunch of boxes and realizes how much they've been doing for her. She hugs them and thanks them, touched.

Pete's dad Francis comes to tell them bad news - Pete's grand aunt has died and the funeral is Saturday. Kate calls off the wedding.

They fly to the funeral. Kate is upset but hides it. She sits next to Bert and sets up a game for him, but he spills orange juice all over her. She goes to the bathroom, where Hillary meets her with an extra outfit. Kate puts on the offering - a short white dress. When she comes out of the bathroom, her family is standing at the front of the plane, dressed up. Meg, Diane, Jackie have been disguised and are there as well, and Cricket.

Kate walks down the aisle to the song from the Muppet wedding, and re-marries Pete.

Back at home, everyone gathers to watch Kate's wedding video, but it's just an upside-down shot of Meg's chin.