'Trophy Wife' Season 1, Episode 16: 'The Wedding: Part 1' Recap

'Trophy Wife'  Season 1, Episode 16: 'The Wedding: Part 1' Recap Kate begins cleaning out the garage, getting rid of Pete's old stuff. When he sees his things all over the drive he assumes she is leaving him, and is relieved she's just giving all of his stuff away.

Diane and Jackie come to help, as Jackie discusses how she and Steve are dating. Pete wants her to tell Bert, but Diane panics and thinks it's a bad idea.

As Kate cleans she finds the wedding videos from Pete's previous weddings. She takes the videos to Meg's to watch. The weddings are beautiful, and Kate admits she and Pete had decided not to have one because of the hassle, so they eloped to the courthouse.

Diane asks Russ if they should be open about their relationship. Meanwhile Jackie is caught by Bert as she tries to sneak Steve out.

Kate asks Pete if he liked their wedding, and he says he loved it. She confesses if she could go back, she would have preferred a real wedding. Pete kneels and proposes again.

Kate begins to plan her wedding, which she wants to be perfect, like Miss Piggy's and Kermit's wedding. Pete is excited to finally have a say in a wedding, since the other wives left him out. He wants to honor his Scottish heritage.

Pete asks Warren and Bert to be his best men, and they're thrilled. Kate asks Meg and Hillary to be shared MOH's, and they get competitive.

Diane decides to be open about Russ. The two meet at the park for their first real date, but somehow they seem out-of-synch now.

Warren and Bert go to Pete's work to show off their kilts, and Bert sees Steve, who Jackie had convinced him was a bagel delivery man. Steve panics. Bert confronts Jackie and she admits they are dating. Bert is angry.

Kate goes to officially change her name as a surprise for Pete, as Hillary and Meg continue to fight over who is the best MOH. Kate finds out she can't have her name changed because she's in the country illegally. She has an INS interview scheduled, and if she cannot prove her marriage is real she will be deported.

Warren does research on the Internet to find their family tartan, and finds out they are actually from Belgium. Pete dons a "normal-guy" outfit for the interview, aware that an older man with two ex wives seems a little suspicious. Kate puts on overalls and pretends to do laundry.

The interview doesn't go well, both Kate and Pete too anxious.

Steve comes over, and Bert dismisses him. Jackie finds Steve in his car and tries to talk him down, but Bert sees the fancy red car and is smitten.

As the INS lady is about to leave, a depressed Diane and an elated Jackie come in, unaware of the interview, and begin talking about their issues. Warren bursts in to tell Pete they are from Belgium. Meg and Hillary run in to argue about the shower. Kate and Pete quickly manage it all. The INS lady sees it is not a marriage of convenience.

Kate and Pete go to the airport to pick up Kate's wild mom, who hasn't yet met Pete. She comes off the plane in cuffs.