'Trophy Wife' Season 1, Episode 14: 'Foxed Lunch' Recap

'Trophy Wife'  Season 1, Episode 14: 'Foxed Lunch' Recap Diane trains Hillary for track try-outs. Kate wants to help train but as usual Diane plows past her.

Jackie calls Pete and tells him it's an emergency. Pete and Kate rush over to Jackie's and find her trying to do a sales pitch. Bert, dressed as a fox, begs them to stay so they agree.

Jackie pitches Foxed Lunch, homemade boxed lunches for kids delivered to the door.

Kate is surprised that she actually likes the idea. She thinks it could work. When Diane calls to belittle her, Kate announces she is going into business with Jackie. Pete realizes she can't be talked out of it.

Pete takes the boys to karate, where he hopes they'll learn respect. The sensei, however, is more violent than he expected.

Kate brings Jackie a check and "sells" her on letting Kate get involved in the project. Jackie agrees and they build a lunch - but it takes them 45 minutes for one sandwich.

Diane trains HIllary, and wants to celebrate with a race. She wins. Hillary pretends to be out of breath, but when she sees her friends, she dashes off fresh as ever.

Kate and Jackie deliver some free lunches, and they're a hit. The entire PTA wants on board. Kate realizes she is in over her head.

Jackie beings to stress over making her lunch "art." Kate asks what she can do and Jackie wants organic cucumbers. Kate agrees to go get them, even though they don't have money left. She uses Meg to rendezvous with her ex, who can hook them up with free produce. He gives her cucumbers but tells her they're not organic. She borrows some organic stickers to put on them.

Pete takes Warren and Bert to the theater, and they find men in their seats. The boys get exciting thinking that Pete will fight them, but Pete only calls over an usher to get the guys removed. Warren and Bert are disappointed. Pete goes to speak with the sensei about the message he is giving the boys and the sensei suggests he participate in a class.

Diane asks Hillary if she let her win the race, and Hillary admits she did. Diane is too competitve and she didn't want it to get ugly. Diane invites her on a carefree jog. It gets competitive of course.

Jackie and Kate are getting the lunches done, but Jackie finds the organic stickers. She tries to start fresh but Kate won't let her. So she quits. Kate goes to deliver the lunches on her own. Pete finds her frantically trying to make 50 lunches for the next day. Kate admits she doesn't feel like she's doing anything lately and wants to feel she has some stuff she is able to do separate from the family.

The sensei starts a class with the "hypothetical" issue of people being in their seat at a movie theater. He suggests he kick their butts. Pete reminds him it's the real world and they could get sued. He could kick butts too but he doesn't. Pete tries to punch through a board but fails. When the sensei heckles him, Pete breaks it. Also his hand.

Kate goes to Jackie and returns Foxed Lunches to Jackie. Jackie reminds her not to be so hard on herself. Jackie is already onto the next business idea.