'Trophy Wife' Season 1, Episode 13: 'The Tooth Fairy' Recap

'Trophy Wife'  Season 1, Episode 13: 'The Tooth Fairy' Recap While out for dinner with his family, Warren gets a text from Allie, a girl he has a crush on. Kate instructs him to wait an hour before texting back.

As Bert eats his corn, he loses a tooth.

During a silence retreat, Jackie gets a call to inform her of Bert's tooth loss. Jackie will get to be the Tooth Fairy for the first time, making Pete a little jealous. He unloads the leftovers from their dinner, and finds a hole in the bag - Bert's tooth, wrapped in a napkin, is missing. Pete goes back to the restaurant while Kate checks the car.

At Diane's house, she and Hillary prepare for her first high school sleepover.

Warren consults Kate about his texting with Allie, who wants to hang out and study. She instructs him on how to have Allie come to the house to study.

Pete freaks out at the restaurant, unable to find the tooth. Kate hasn't found it either. Pete is in a panic about how Jackie will react. He goes to a box that contains his kids' baby teeth, but gets emotional when he thinks of fabricating Bert's tooth loss with one. They give it to Jackie, who smells it and immediately knows it's not Bert's.

Pete apologizes the next morning and Jackie says she colored a popcorn kernel and it went fine. Bert comes in dressed as Indiana Jones. Pete had been planning to show him that movie on his 10th birthday. Jackie ruined one of Pete's firsts with his son as punishment.

Allie arrives to study with Warren, who is as weird as you'd expect.

Hillary hosts her her sleepover, dressed in a sparkling dress as Diane offers amuse-bouche. Hillary realizes the girls wanted a casual night, with pizza and scary movies, and goes to change. The girls hang out in their pj's while Diana comments on the movie. One girl texts the others, and Hillary tries to get rid of her mom. Hillary tells her friends that her mom is socially challenged.

Pete has Bert do yoga for the first time and sends a picture to Jackie.

Warren's hang out with Allie is turning into just studying. Kate sends him off and goes to talk Warren up.

Diane comes back and tries to hang out with the girls again but Hillary texts her and asks her to leave.

Kate tells Jackie and Pete to let the tooth and movie thing go, they're freaking out. Bert hears that his tooth was not real, and Warren comes out to yell at Kate that Allie left since Kate weirded her out.

Kate finds out Allie left her hoodie behind, and grabs Warren's phone to try and fix things.

Hilllary goes to check on Diane, who is understanding and tells her to go and have fun.

Jackie and Pete debate if they should just tell the truth about the Tooth Fairy, and agree not to. Pete uses one of Hillary's teeth to convince Bert they found his. Allie texts back that Warren can drop off her hoodie. She and Pete bring him to Allie's house, and he kisses Allie. Kate starts to cry.

They congratulate him when he gets in the car and asks what happened, and Warren tells them Allie is gay.