Trayvon Martin Shooting Won't Go Before Grand Jury - Yet

Trayvon Martin Shooting Won't Go Before Grand Jury - Yet Though an indictment against shooter George Zimmerman in Trayvon Martin's death may yet be coming, it won't arrive this Tuesday.

Special prosecutor Angela Corey made it known Monday that Sanford, Fla.'s grand jury that convenes Tuesday won't yet hear her findings regarding Zimmerman's Feb. 26 shooting of the 17-year-old, unarmed Martin, the Associated Press reported. Corey did clarify that Zimmerman, a neighborhood watch volunteer, may yet face charges once her investigation has been completed.

Under Florida law, only first-degree murder cases actually require a grand jury presentation, though it remains an option in other cases at the prosecutor's discretion. Original prosecutor Norm Wolfinger reportedly intended on taking the case before a grand jury before he recused himself and Corey replaced him, but Corey has a reputedly has previously balked at taking cases unnecessarily before one.

The Martin case and its disparate media interpretations of the incident itself, the black teen victim's personal character and how an armed, half-white, half-hispanic Zimmerman approached the situation that night have slid American race relations and armed self-defense laws squarely back beneath a mass-media microscope.

A patrolling Zimmerman allegedly encountered Martin - wearing a hooded sweatshirt and carrying bottled iced tea and Skittles - as Martin returned from a 7-11 around the corner from his Sanford home. Zimmerman claimed he'd begun following Martin when he initially found him suspicious, and that Martin then attacked him, resulting in Zimmerman opening fire in self defense. Under Florida's "Stand Your Ground" Law, if Zimmerman's defense can prove that Martin attacked first, Zimmerman could avert murder prosecution.