Travel Channel Pulls 'Man Finds Food' After Adam Richman's Media Rant

Travel Channel Pulls 'Man Finds Food' After Adam Richman's Media Rant Contrary to popular belief, words spoken on the Internet can have real-world consequences.

"Man v. Food" star Adam Richman is finding that out first hand.

The Travel Channel has pulled his new series, "Man Finds Food," before it even aired.

The controvery follows an Instagram commentary which lead to Richmond using slurs on followers and even suggesting one commit suicide.

Richman lost 70 pounds after his series "Man V. Food," which involved... well, a man eating large quantities of food. Last month he posted a picture of himself in clothing cut for his larger figure, and gave it the unfortunate hashtag of "thinspiration" (among others).

Users were quick to point out that particular hashtag is often used for those with body issues and eating disorders. In fact, Instagram pulls up a content advisory warning when you try to search the hashtag. Clicking "learn more" will direct you to instructions on identifying and treating eating disorders.

Perhaps Richman didn't know this, and would respond accordingly when corrected? Unfortunately, instead of removing that particular tag, Richman replied with "DILLIGAF?"

That's "Do I Look Like I Give a F**k?" for those who aren't familiar with how Internet battles work. Things went downhill from there.

This includes Richman calling a user a "c**t," and telling one woman to "grab a razer blade & draw a bath," adding, "I doubt anyone will miss you."

After informing another user that they could "eat a bag of s***," Richman insisted that there would be no apology forthcoming, and that "If anyone acts like a c*** I'll call them one."

That didn't last long, however. Richman has now apologized for his expletive-laced explosion.

"Yes. I've responded to internet hate recently with vile words directed at those hating me," he wrote. "I am sorry, I should know better & will do better."

Since Richman has deleted the exchanges, it's fuzzy on whether or not pointing out that Richman was propegating an eating disorder hashtag was "hating."

Adipose Activist, who was involved in the Instagram melee, has posted pictures of some of the argument on her website, and what can be read is not quite as inflammatory on the part of users as Richman might have us believe. You can read select clips in her blog.

The Travel Channel pulled the show from its original July premiere, with no news about whether or not it will air at all.

"Still waiting for a [sic] airing date for the show," Richman says on Facebook.