Too Many People Are Throwing Pizzas on the 'Breaking Bad' House

Too Many People Are Throwing Pizzas on the 'Breaking Bad' House

It's a well known fact that "Breaking Bad" has some seriously dedicated fans. That's great for the show, but as it turns out it's not so great for the people who live in Albuquerque...specifically at the former White residence.

The people who live in the house that was used as Walter and Skylar White's home in the show have reported a very specific problem: people keep throwing pizzas on their roof.

You may remember a scene in "Breaking Bad" in which Walt, frustrated with his family's lack of appreciation for him, throws an extra-large pizza onto the roof of his house, where it stays for more than a few days. The scene became famous for the way the pizza perfectly flew out of the box landed onto the roof, which according to legend happened on the first take.

Now, people are recreating the scene on their visits to Albuquerque, which means that the house's current residents are ending up with unwanted, cheesy gifts on their roof.

The problem has gotten so bad that Vince Gilligan, the creator of "Breaking Bad," had to actually tell fans to cut it out.

"The lady who lives in that house — she and her husband — are the two nicest people in the world and they deserve to be treated well," Gilligan said during a podcast for his new show, "Breaking Bad" spin-off "Better Call Saul" He added: "There is nothing funny or original or cool about throwing pizza on this woman’s roof."

Vince Gilligan hath spoken, people. Leave that poor couple alone.