TLC Has Officially Canceled '19 Kids and Counting' Over Molestation Scandal

TLC Has Officially Canceled '19 Kids and Counting' Over Molestation Scandal

The Duggars are done.

TLC has officially canceled "19 Kids and Counting" amid the ongoing investigation over allegations that Josh Duggar, the eldest boy in the family of 19 children, molested his sisters and another unnamed acquaintance when he was a teenager. As previously reported, Josh Duggar reportedly touched the breasts and genitals of his siblings, who were as young as 4 and as old as 12 at the time of the assaults.

The network released a carefully worded statement explaining that the decision was made along with the Duggar family. In fact, the network's relationship with the family isn't over just yet despite the cancellation: TLC and the Duggars will team up again for a one-off documentary about child abuse that will feature Jill and Jessa, two of Josh's victims. The documentary will be made in conjunction with RAINN and Darkness to Light, two of the leading groups battling child sexual abuse.

Here's TLC's full statement:

"After thoughtful consideration, TLC and the Duggar family have decided to not move forward with 19 Kids and Counting. The show will no longer appear on the air.
The recent attention around the Duggars has sparked a critical and important conversation about child protection.
Over these past weeks, TLC has consulted regularly with leading victims’ rights and advocacy organizations in the U.S., including RAINN and Darkness to Light, to discuss how to use this moment to address the issue and make a positive impact. Unfortunately, child sexual abuse is not an isolated issue; it affects many children and families around the world. To that end, we are partnering with both organizations on a multi-platform campaign to raise awareness and educate parents and families about the issue. In the first phase of this initiative, TLC will work closely with both groups and with the Duggar family on a one-hour documentary that will include Jill and Jessa and other survivors and families that have been affected by abuse.
TLC has been especially concerned for the victims in this situation, including the Duggar family, and it is our hope that this effort will help those in need learn where to turn for information and help. The documentary will be commercial free, and we anticipate it will air later this summer."
The Duggar family released their own statement as well, expressing their gratitude to the network and how they were looking forward to the documentary:
"Years ago, when we were asked to film our first one hour documentary about the logistics of raising 14 children, we felt that it was an opportunity to share with the world that children are a blessing and a gift from God. …
Over the last several years people have said to us, “We love your show!” We have always responded, “It’s not a show, it’s our lives!” Our desire in opening our home to the world is to share Bible principles that are the answers for life’s problems.
With God’s grace and help Josh, our daughters and our entire family overcame a terrible situation, found healing and a way forward. We are so pleased with the wonderful adults they have all become.
It is our prayer that the painful situation our family went through many years ago can point people toward faith in God and help others who also have lived through similar dark situations to find help, hope and healing, as well.
We appreciate the love, support, prayers and kindness extended to us by many of you. You have deeply touched our hearts and encouraged us, during this time.
God’s faithfulness and goodness to us, along with His abundant grace have given us strength and joy even in the most difficult days.
We have committed to Him that in all things—difficulties or success, good times or bad—we will purpose to bring Him honor by staying true to our faith and our family.
We look forward to working with TLC on this upcoming special documentary and hope that it is an encouragement to many. …
We love each of you and look forward to unfolding the future with peace and joy.
With Gratefulness,
Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar family"