Video: Tim Tebow Meets Jesus on 'SNL'

Video: Tim Tebow Meets Jesus on 'SNL' With a 6-0 record, fueled largely by fourth quarter magic (and, depending on your beliefs, some prayer-fueled blessings from the big guy upstairs), Tim Tebow has quickly become one of the NFL's biggest stars and a special kind of pop culture sensation due to "Tebowing."

Last night on "Saturday Night Live," Jesus stopped by for a little chat with Tebow and the Denver Broncos.

The 8-5 Broncos face a pretty tough test this week in the 10-3 New England Patriots and their stud quarterback Tom Brady.

To make another "miracle" work, the Lord himself stopped by to tell Tebow it may be time for him to help out a little. You know, in the first three quarters.

"I mean," said JC, "I can throw better, and I'm 2010 years old."

Watch Tim Tebow have a "come to Jesus" meeting with...well...Jesus: