Tim Tebow Approached By ABC For 'Bachelor' Gig

Tim Tebow Approached By ABC For 'Bachelor' Gig "The Bachelor" host Chris Harrison claims that ABC has approached the NFL's single biggest 2011 phenom about looking for love amid their prime-time lineup.

Harrison told "Access Hollywood" Monday that Denver Broncos quarterback and unexpected meme birther Tim Tebow about becoming the next eager fellow to be given his pick from a bevvy of beauties.

Though Harrison quipped that the 24-year-old Tebow has agreed, neither ABC, nor Tebow, nor particularly the NFL or Denver Broncos have confirmed that he's even considering it.

"He did say 'yes' [as in, "he's interested"] but he would never do it," Harrison said. "He has a little job called 'quarterbacking in the NFL,' at least for another year."

Harrison did admit, though jokingly very much "over" the trend, to "Tebowing" a time or two - however inadvertendly - when on the verge of puking, not praying.

"When I get sick, I 'Tebow'," he jested of the mock spontaneous prostration. Still, Tebow, genuflecting with a rose - or perhaps something a little more pricey and shiney befitting an NFL star's salary - could set Photoshop threads worldwide ablaze with nuclear snark.

This wouldn't mark the first recent moment that people have suddenly cared about the Godly Bronco making someone an honest woman. Stepping out for a bite with Grammy-honored country star Taylor Swift set off chatter recently, though the pair were but two among a party of five and both have denied there's anything more than friendly companionship afoot.