This Is Why Catt Sadler Quit 'E! News'

This Is Why Catt Sadler Quit 'E! News'

E! News anchor Catt Sadler resigned from her position this week after discovering that there was a "massive disparity in pay" between herself and her co-anchor Jason Kennedy. Sadler began working for E! around the same time as her male counterpart, and yet she was reportedly being paid half his salary.

Via The Hollywood Reporter.

Catt Sadler has left E! News after claiming she has received a "massive disparity in pay" in a revealing statement posted Tuesday.

Sharing details about her abrupt departure on her blog, the anchor expressed her hurt and shock after learning her E! co-anchor Jason Kennedy makes “double” her pay, something she was unaware of until pulling double duty as host of the network’s live show Daily Pop and E! News.

As she claimed on her website, Sadler found her double hosting duties as “creatively challenging but genuinely one of the most fulfilling years of my professional career." However, during that period, Sadler learned of a wage gap existing between her and Kennedy when discussing a renewal of her contract.

“An executive from E! brought something alarming to my attention — namely, that there was a massive disparity in pay between my similarly situated male co-host and myself,” Sadler wrote. “Most recently, when E! reached out to renew and extend my deal, I learned that he wasn't just making a little more than I was. In fact, he was making close to double my salary for the past several years.”

Sadler, 43, also mentioned how she and her “TV husband” Kennedy, 36, began their careers with the network in the same time frame, cultivating success alongside each other.

Sadler writes: “I so lovingly refer to him as my 'tv husband' and I mean it. But how can I operate with integrity and stay on at E! if they’re not willing to pay me the same as him? Or at least come close? How can I accept an offer that shows they do not value my contributions and paralleled dedication all these years? How can I not echo the actions of my heroes and stand for what is right no matter what the cost? How can I remain silent when my rights under the law have been violated?"

Sadler emphasized that a gender pay gap continues to remain an issue in the workforce, something she and her team fought hard to overcome, but were “denied repeatedly.”

Get the rest of the story at The Hollywood Reporter.

Do you think Catt Sadler should have been making as much as Jason Kennedy? Let us know in the comments below.