This Is Perhaps the Most Uncomfortable Photo of John Travolta Ever Taken

This Is Perhaps the Most Uncomfortable Photo of John Travolta Ever Taken

John Travolta, we need to talk.

We know that we haven't been particularly kind to you of late. The whole Adele Dazeem thing aside, we've all made fun of you a lot for being what we assume to be a closeted gay man.

It's not right to make assumptions about a person's sexuality, especially not in a public setting, and for that we apologize.

But John, we really need to talk about the way you're touching women.

You got on stage tonight and creeped the living hell out of poor Idina Menzel by touching her face and saying god knows what because we couldn't hear you over the sound of our collective cringeing.

Even before that, you got on the red carpet and did this:

You snuck up on Scarlett Johannsson, put your hand on her waist, and kissed her on the cheek. You ignored the alarm bells that went off, or should have been going off, in your head that told you that this is creepy and inappropriate.

Yes, you and Scarlett have worked together on a movie. But that doesn't give you free reign to touch women however you want.

You might be gay. You might be straight. We don't care anymore. Stop trying to prove it by being a creep.