This Man's Miley Cyrus Tattoos Will Scar Your Day

This Man's Miley Cyrus Tattoos Will Scar Your Day Folks, there is no way you can un-see what you're about to see.

Neither "The Soup" nor BuzzFeed assigns the man a name. Not that we really want him found. But when you know somebody is, you can ascertain where he is. When you can do that, it's easier to ascertain in turn on which streets you might encounter him and need be prepared to cross to the other side.

It's also easier to give Miley Cyrus his zipcode and lightly recommend she plan around it.

One Miley Cyrus tattoo? That's one thing. That's a permanent anti-Jagermeister public service announcement. A reported 15 tattoos of the ex-"Hannah Montana" star? Well, you're never, ever going to be busy answering the door on Halloween night. Unfortunately, people will also be touchy about you living within a predetermined distance of a school or playground.