This Foul-Ball-Catching Kid Is the Smoothest Kid Ever

This Foul-Ball-Catching Kid Is the Smoothest Kid Ever In all nine innings of this weekend's baseball game between the Toronto Blue Jays and the Texas Rangers, this young kid made the best play.

Usually, when a boy in his early teens catches a foul ball at a game, he'll hang onto it, hold it up to the camera, take it home and put it in a glass case...the usual stuff. But not this kid. No sir. This Don Juan of the Diamond had a different plan.

In the video, the young man catches a foul ball in his glove, then seemingly hands it off without hesitation to a pretty (and older) girl sitting behind him. She gives a look of shock and flattery, the kid looks like a total baller, everyone wins.

But there's more! If you look closely, you'll see that the kid actually had a baseball with him already. He likely brought this non-game ball into the stadium with him and had it in his mitt. So when the foul ball comes, he pulls a switcheroo and hands the girl the ball that he came in with.

So now, this 12-ish-year-old smooth operator has a game-used foul ball AND a flattered lady fan behind him AND the admiration of the entire Internet, who has seen his brilliant maneuver. It's really better than any double play anyone turned on the field that day.

Check out the video below: