Here's a New 'Sh*t Girls Say,' 8 Months Later (VIDEO)

Here's a New 'Sh*t Girls Say,' 8 Months Later (VIDEO) A little less than a year ago, the Internet exploded with a big new meme: "Sh*t ____ Say." It all started with "Sh*t Girls Say," and expanded out from there, as seemingly everyone had some clever (or so they thought) commentary on the things particular groups of people always say.

Here we are, roughly nine months later, and the meme has all but died. The Internet is safe from crappy supercuts of quotes, and peace once again rules the land. Or it did, anyway, until today.

"Sh*t Girls Say" is back after a long hiatus. Why such a long wait? Well, maybe the creator figured it would be best to wait for the whole copycat explosion to die down so that he wasn't beating his own dead horse. Or, it could be because there is now a "Sh*t Girls Say" book, and the video is out to publicize that fact.

In any case, while this one doesn't quite measure up to the originals, there are some pretty good bits about Tuesdays in there. Let's just hope we don't have to deal with any more "Sh*t Italian Moms Say" or "Sh*t Mechanical Engineers Who Own Cats and Also Play Field Hockey Say."

Check out the new video below: