There Was a 'Guardians of the Galaxy' Easter Egg in the 'Parks & Recreation' Finale

There Was a 'Guardians of the Galaxy' Easter Egg in the 'Parks & Recreation' Finale

Did you catch the Marvel reference in last night's "Parks & Recreation" finale?

If you didn't, don't feel bad: it was only for a split second. But when you see it, you'll understand why it was in there!

The Easter Egg was hidden in a scene that showed the future for April and Andy. It was Halloween, and the couple dressed up as Burt Macklin and Janet Snakehole for old times' sake.

But when some trick-or-treaters came to the door and Andy answered it, one of the kids was wearing a familiar costume: Star-Lord from "Guardians of the Galaxy!"

Naturally, "Parks" had to fit one reference to Chris Pratt's other role in there before the show ended.

Oh, and lest you think that kid is totally outdated wearing a "Guardians" costume in the year 2023, don't forget that "Guardians of the Galaxy 2" is set for release in 2017 and "Avengers: Infinity War Part 2" is set for 2020 (in which the Guardians will most likely at least make a cameo).

Of course the costume isn't nearly as cool as Leslie's "Sandra Dee O'Connnor" or Ben's "Lamplighter" from Cones of Dunshire 2, but the kid did a pretty good job.