Teen Wolf - Season 2 Episode 11 Recap - Battlefield

Teen Wolf - Season 2 Episode 11 Recap - Battlefield The lacrosse playing field becomes the arena of the ultimate showdown between the werewolves and Jackson the shape-shifting kanima in "Teen Wolf" season 2, episode 11: “Battlefield.”

Gerard Argent, the head of the Argent werewolf hunter clan, is Jackson's new master. Argent wants to avenge his daughter's death by killing Derek and his werewolf pack. He orders Jackson to enter the lacrosse game, which puts Scott's friends in danger. This forces Scott and Stiles to return to the lacrosse team and play in the big game.

Argent tells Scott that he'll remove Jackson if he is given the location of Derek's pack. If he doesn't tell him where they are a lot of people will get hurt by the kanima, including Scott's mother.

Erica and Boyd have left Derek's pack and are running through the woods for the other werewolf pack that's been howling in the area. Unfortunately, the werewolf hunters come across their trail and begin to pursue them. Eager to kill the werewolves, Allison Argent makes the killing shots with her bow and arrow, first shooting Erica in the leg and making her fall and then shooting Boyd and killing him.

Derek's evil uncle Peter Hale approaches him and convinces him to speak with him. Hale reveals that he knows how to stop the kanima and save Jackson from the shape-shifting curse. The kanima lacks a sense of self identity and requires a master to tell it what to do. Only the person that Jackson loved can get him to remember who he is and break the curse. That person is Lydia.

Scott is benched during the game and is unable to stop Jackson from hurting the other lacrosse players. Argent informs Scott that if he doesn't tell him where Derek is by the last 30 seconds of the game, he'll command the kanima to kill someone he cares about.

Desperate to get back into the game, Scott asks Isaac to injure people on his own team so that his coach is forced to put him back in the game. Isaac is then attacked by Jackson and the kanima's claws poison him. Scott goes to help Isaac and finds him in the bathroom, where Gerard Argent about to run him through with a sword. Scott stops him just as Stiles helps his team score and win the game.

Suddenly, the lights go out on the playing field. When they come back on, Jackson is lying motionless on the field, bleeding from self-inflicted wounds. Scott's mother rushes over to him and calls out to Lydia to help her save Jackson's life, but it may be too late. The episode ends with Stiles missing from the lacrosse field.